Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] he [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 A couple of months ago he took her out for a meal and she tried to kiss him .
2 Two months ago he put it on the market for £2 million .
3 It described the high that ensues from smoking crack ( 'Crack is both spacey and intense' ) and the downs that follow ; it told his readers how he bought it and what the morning after was like .
4 He ate his meals with them , and could n't believe his eyes when he saw them saying grace .
5 Even Sal and Kitty turned up their noses when he offered them such delicacies as black bananas and bruised apples .
6 It was music to a Scotsman 's ears when he said he owed everyone in Scotland a drink , but many were sure it was only an empty promise uttered in the heat of the moment .
7 His fingers linked with hers , drawing them to his lips where he turned them to kiss her open palm .
8 Where before he went off at obtuse tangents , now he takes the songs where he wants them to go rather than let them control him .
9 So to shut the parents up he says I 'm going to marry you .
10 Three decades late he spoke it for his parents and his siblings , thinking that the kindly keeper who bent over him was perhaps , after all , SS Sergeant Gustav Wagner , or SS Sergeant Karl Frenzel or …
11 Social ostracism followed outbursts of silliness , hubby drank a lot , did n't hit her often but did bad-mouth her excessively , and took up fishing ; went away for weekends with male friends she 'd never heard of , Claimed to be tackling rivers but kept bringing home filleted sea fish on the Sunday night , and was always suspiciously careful to empty his pockets when he gave her his clothes to wash .
12 Well he , he , he given them a free cup of coffee it 'll be alright , but he did n't , he gave , the machine took ten P pieces so he provided them with the ten P pieces to put in and then when it was full up he 'd empty it out and give them all ten P pieces back
13 ‘ A few days later he told me that he 'd been to Cintra 's with her .
14 Two days later he tells me : ‘ It 's like they want to copy everything down to the smallest detail .
15 A few days later he asked her again .
16 Four days later he asked her out to dinner , and she walked home without her feet touching the pavement .
17 Days later he had it all planned after studying the brochures .
18 Two days later he granted me a private audience , a remarkable consideration during those eventful days to his youngest and least important guest .
19 A few days later he joined her .
20 Three days later he rang me at my sock .
21 Having only done a few short walks before in true Water & Ventilation style he decided to ‘ test the water ’ first by walking the Ridgeway in Wiltshire , 85 miles and five days later he completed it .
22 So I told him all I found out like , when he came down a few days later he gave me two fifty , er two pound ten as it was then you know I was amazed at
23 But three weeks later he put it back on the market .
24 Nearly two years later he told me that in each of those ten Crusades , people on the committees had said that , although everyone had agreed on certain tasks to be done , they only actually got cracking on them a couple of days before I was due back !
25 When he died six years later he left her all his gardening books : not just the technical instruction manuals , but coffee-table picture books , historical studies and a collection of exquisite , hand-tinted Victorian flower drawings , and a Beatrix Potter original which , she now knew , would keep Maggie in shoes for the rest of her childhood if Phoebe could have brought herself to sell it .
26 A few years later he accepted it himself .
27 Three years later he sold it to Fletcher Challenge for £299 million — an eightfold increase .
28 But Richard had not forgotten and seventeen years later he wanted it remembered — however lightheartedly — that he had conquered there , too .
29 Two weeks ago he labelled them respectively ‘ the J R Ewing of Aberdeen ’ and a ‘ Victorian madam ’ .
30 ‘ Yes , years ago he told me you do n't say you love people .
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