Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] that [pron] do " in BNC.

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1 Slowly she discovered tricks of the trade such as weighting her hems so that they did n't blow up in a breeze and she gradually acquired a coterie of designers , including Catherine Walker , David Sassoon and Victor Edelstein , whom she now relies upon .
2 There is quite an art in scattering the pennies so that they do not hurt the children .
3 Robyn gripped the fountain until her knuckles whitened and spoke with a great deal of effort , concentrating on forming her words so that they did n't sound slurred .
4 Nowadays , the machines chew up the hedge trimmings so that they do n't require burning ; you just plough them in .
5 At this stage , we have an opportunity to ensure that the legislation will allow their voices to be heard through formal channels so that they do not have to resort to the usual practice of writing to the appropriate organisations .
6 On top of the books so that it did n't so unless you 've moved it ?
7 When returning the draft Contract to me duly signed will you let me have a cheque in favour of Messrs. Stanley Tee & Co. for £2,600 the 5% deposit and I will place this on deposit with my firm 's bankers so that it does not lose you interest , so there should be no delay in exchanging contracts once you have received the insurance company 's acceptance of your life proposals .
8 erm the roads are really not , not made to cope and so we have to try to get people coming in from different areas and different directions so that we do n't get everybody on one road and nobody on another .
9 How much will he spend to bail out the first-wave trusts so that they do not end the first financial year in deficit ?
10 A safety net is something which you hope that you will never have to use , and you endeavour to arrange matters so that you do not need it , but if necessary it will catch you .
11 he said you know what is it and I showed him a piece like , he said oh I he said yes , I said I 've taken the nails out that I did n't see , he said oh I 've got a metal detector here
12 In those days there seemed so many vistas ahead that I did not mind when I began to go public : it was sufficiently gratifying to feel that Eliot wanted to print some of my work in his good time and in mine .
13 Try using ‘ I ’ statements so that you do n't blame your partner .
14 Held , dismissing both appeals , Findlay : ( 1 ) the judge had accepted the custody officer 's evidence that the notes in the pocket book were shown to Findlay , though he was at that time incommunicado ; and Code C 12.12 in its unamended form ( which governed this case ) only applied to interviews at police stations so that it did not require the notes in the present case to be shown to him : Brezeanu & Francis [ 1989 ] Crim.L.R. 650 .
15 erm because that 's like a continuous thing erm with with some other stuff , if it 's just like essays or projects due in at the end of this term or beginning of next , you know get , get the light stuff out of the way first erm and try you may find it easier if you , if you , what I used to do was sort of try and , you know , pace it out a little bit and not try and write an essay all at once because I found that very difficult to do but if you just sort of write a paragraph and do , do something else for a bit and you know kind of write another paragraph a bit later on in the day and , and , you know , kind of erm you know work , you know do n't , do n't try and write an essay all in one evening but try and sort of , you know , if you 've managed to spread it out over the course of a few days so that you do n't have to do too much at once I mean it 's difficult to concentrate on one thing
16 Particularly in secluded , well sheltered , and not so well ventilated gardens , the open centre — and perhaps also the planting distance between plants so that they do not merge and clash — is more important with Floribundas .
17 With climbers , I 've always believed in the more the merrier , but it 's important to team up your plants so that one does not swamp and ruin another .
18 It is useful to quote the size of the repeat when ordering fabric for curtains or blinds so that you do not cut off in the middle of a formalized pattern .
19 It was three years later that I did finally audition , at seventeen .
20 We ask indirect questions so that we do not cause offence or impose on other people .
21 Well there 's no question but which therapists and people of medical profession have come across cases of people who have indeed been scarred for their whole lives and and found it very difficult to maintain trust and relationships and and be able to achieve their potential as a result of the sorts of situations that they endured , and perhaps we 're more understanding about those sorts of areas of the human need to be able to express anxiety and to feel that to express fears is is not something that 's going to overwhelm people that are around us , so that adults who are in the care of children , be they teachers , or parents , or child care workers , can allow children to express their feelings so that they do n't need to hold on to them and thereby increase the fears that they have .
22 Er she had a sewing machine , she used to make er sort of shirts but not suits and things like that she did n't , she repaired them .
23 And there 's another sort of things now that we do n't hear is when you sit down at the table to eat erm they 're probably the most the hostess would say now would be , Help yourself .
24 Ensure you note the boundary flags so that you do n't get eliminated for an error of course .
25 His arms came around her and she pressed willingly into them , lifting her chin and stretching up on her toes so that he did not have to bend so far towards her .
26 To make them easier to serve , we 've firmed up the mixture with a few fine cake crumbs so that they do n't melt the moment they hit room temperature .
27 It 's important to get good instruction on dry slopes so that you do n't get into bad habits before you start on the real stuff .
28 Erm I 've also received information on conference accommodation and on the billboards but I 've billed those as separate items so that you do n't listen to me half off all evening .
29 He said the NHS should address itself more to the needs of cancer patients so that they do not feel they have to go outside the system .
30 The secret is to arrange the stripes so that they do not appear to be in regular order and this can be done in a number of ways .
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