Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] i do not " in BNC.

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1 Were actually are making a profit we said at the beginning we do get a payment from petticoats so I do n't see that arrangement actually changing but it suits the trust were not very good at running restaurant 's . .
2 All the er , all the units are let , we 've had two , we 've had notice of two terminations coming up , but we have actually got a waiting list for units so I do n't think we 'll have any problem in filling those .
3 Yeah well most are birds and animals so I do n't know .
4 So of course these chaps well I do n't wether they were youths and chaps and that denying it .
5 I do n't know mm I 'm full of surprises Well I do n't think we need to add anything to that climbing frame do we ?
6 And asked why , well I know why she did n't turn into the morning lectures well I do n't get up usually , till half eleven , twelve o'clock .
7 I think perhaps the top clubs like I do n't I 've never been there .
8 I mean , they 're ninety nine pence a tin and turkey tins stowed for years so I do n't think these are gon na come to any harm over
9 Yes thank you Mr President erm we worry about our , our stations though I do n't think we 've got very many in fact but within reach , within twenty five miles across the Channel there are probably ten or twenty French power stations that could cause just as much trouble as any of ours surely ?
10 Eight years ago I do n't half feel bloody old !
11 They were both enjoyable erm I ca n't really say which I enjoyed the most er , I thought they were both very good and of course good value for the money because they do n't charge very much for the fares well I do n't think they do .
12 If I ca n't get promotion on the basis of all the hard work I 've done for the organisation over the last five years then I do n't know how I can get it .
13 But what would have happened to him if he 'd not taken the cattle down I do n't know .
14 And they are our longer lasting customers so I do n't think we 're gon na get up their noses too much .
15 ‘ We 've been looking into your background and there 's a few things there I do n't think you 'd like to come out . ’
16 Well I do n't think so cos you 'd feel like homosexual desires who does n't get any thrills so I do n't clitoris .
17 I du n no because the school I think ends early I do n't know earlier than sort of I think sort of like June or something , but I mean I do n't know .
18 I think it 's things with big chunky bits in I do n't fancy which is silly really cos that 's the fruit in it , but still
19 my sausages so I do n't have anything except sausages .
20 Brian there 's some photos there I do n't know whether Toby 's picked them up or not .
21 To write and record songs and do world tours when I do n't have to is important because that is my , and the band 's , identity .
22 Well , it 's , it 's simple that if I got up at half past six , and took him up a cup of tea at quarter too seven , and when he was around at seven o'clock , I was grilling bacon and I was frying eggs , and I hope , I do n't know whether perhaps it 's my cold , but , I , I just used to feel terribly unwell after he 'd gone , for about two hours and my legs were so wobbly , I was sitting down on the sofa , I may go back yet to cooking him breakfast if I feel like it , but , the , I mean if I can say to these chaps that , there are times when I do n't feel like doing things , well , I reckon Dave that they are so glad to be in that house with the central heating , with the twenty four hour er , er a day water , and the comfort , there not going to argue .
23 There are times when I do not believe that the Secretary of State understands what is happening in local government .
24 One one of the many reasons why I do n't want to accept this Labour resolution er , I would like to support my own member , is that er we have very , that there will be appoint a
25 We also yes I must remind you that we have read the papers so I do n't necessarily want to go through it word by word line by line er but obviously when you want to make a point you will refer back to those papers but do n't you must assume that we have read them and that everybody else has read them .
26 Well all women now I do n't think .
27 If I order someone to clean their boots when I do not really believe that this should be done , then my order is insincere , and flawed ( condition 1 ) .
28 ‘ Work is my religion , ’ Gene elaborates , ‘ and getting up on stage , doing shows when I do n't need the money is important .
29 And there are occasions when I do n't recognize myself …
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