Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Is that something you can easily forget , pulling a man 's trousers on when he 's got handcuffs on and lying on his front ?
2 Write your plans below and evaluate at the next C.P.S.
3 Everyone bundled their possessions together and talked about where they would like to stay .
4 And when they tied up at Water Gypsy 's permanent moorings , he gathered his few possessions together and left with only the most perfunctory of farewells .
5 Robyn ground her teeth together and glared at him .
6 She felt him lace their fingers together and trembled with a strange mixture of excitement and trepidation .
7 She closed her eyes grimly and pointed at the table .
8 She had once explained that slaughtering animals secretly and trading on the black market was simply bending the law a little and not really stealing at all , but real thieves were as bad as liars .
9 As she taxied in to the small civilian terminal , Adam watched the three fighter planes ease their pointed noses skyward and climb at over thirty thousand feet a minute .
10 One group have lost their legs altogether and taken to burrowing underground .
11 Mrs Stych opened her eyes slowly and looked at him as if he had gone mad .
12 In former ages certain masters had solved the problem by avoiding words entirely and resorting to pictures alone .
13 ‘ Just get your heads down and go for it , ’ was Nicholl 's message to his players yesterday .
14 For the first time we 've had to get our heads down and look at what we 're doing .
15 Mozart met Thomas , another musical prodigy , in Florence in 1770 , where they played violin duets together and engaged in friendly rivalry .
16 or if we 're stuck get our heads together and drag in a few extra bodies
17 Some , ‘ … wiser than the rest , lay their heads together and resolved in council to be before-hand ’ and went with picks and shovels and opened the land around the monument to a depth of six feet .
18 It seemed a long moment while they remained thus immobile and then the young woman put her head and shoulders down and rushed like an eight-year-old , knees doubling up and arms pounding .
19 As he got to the door he snatched his eyes away and blundered through the doorway .
20 My father threw his calipers away and went to Charlie Hancock the chemist , who made him up a bottle of oil from an old family recipe .
21 The kids at my new school all went round in little gangs , spoiling for a fight — nothing serious , just pushing other kids over and jeering at them .
22 One of his reasons for leaving the Navy had been his dislike of the social relations between officers and ratings — take three paces backwards and shout at them .
23 Spurred on again by a stream of oaths , it staggered a few paces further and sank to the ground , defeated .
24 Praxis says it is well down the development road of getting an ANDF installer up on another RISC , possibly the Inmos Transputer , whilst there are known to be several other key players keen to get installers up and running on their kit too ( UX No 385 ) .
25 An office colleague to whom I had told my story , went to Lochinver by train and bus a few months later and stayed at the same cottage .
26 ‘ For cutting animals up and disposing of them in a public place . ’
27 He stared down at his knees , then stretched his legs out and gazed at his calves and feet .
28 As one of the ‘ older ’ helpers it was a little like going back to school as my two ‘ children ’ are now 28 and 25 and I do not have any grandchildren so holding babies of 18 months upwards and playing with youngsters was quite a change .
29 ‘ Did n't you say he had a wife and a couple of kids now and worked in Basingstoke ?
30 The improved colt quickened well to take it up over two furlongs out and went to the line clear of the dead-heaters Steinbeck and Wilde Rufo , with the latter subsequently disqualified when jockey Richard Quinn weighed in 6lb light .
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