Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] and [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 His camp followers have been nodding their heads sagely and saying that all is not yet over and Hezzy may not be destined to live out his political life amid the ruins of the Department of the Environment — once he 's pulled it down , that is .
2 The women put their heads together and agreed that it would be no bad thing if Loverin laid on hard with his strap .
3 The world summit for children which took place at the weekend caught the headlines around the world and the world 's leaders put their heads together and agreed that children all round the world are suffering and something must be done about it .
4 Belbin has taken the analysis of group roles further and argues that up to nine roles can be identified in a work group .
5 The coordinator of a leading indigenous organisation in Mexico , Publicaciones Etnias ( Ethnic Publications ) , visited WACC 's London offices recently and reported that thousands of indigenous people are currently in prison for ‘ political reasons ’ .
6 I 've visited several large gardens recently and find that in many cases the plants in the herbaceous borders are supported by plastic-coated wire frames of varying sizes .
7 I have to remember we spent her first ten years together and hope that this will be what matters in the long run .
8 Piaget ( Piaget , Jean , The Child ' s Conception of Number , Chapter I , Routledge & Kegan Paul , 1952 ) has described many experiments of this type with children of four years upwards and concluded that it was not until about the age of seven that children were able to see that a quantity of liquid remains constant although it appears to change when poured into different shaped containers .
9 She could hear stirrings upstairs and assumed that Matey , who often rose early when she could not sleep late , was on her way down to start her chores alongside McAllister .
10 ‘ When we got our first serious analysis from the system in January 1992 , there was a minor panic at the amount of sick days reported , although it was not quite so bad when we analysed the figures further and found that one employee 's long-term sickness was affecting the averages .
11 It is perverse to dissociate the two passages conceptually and insist that the starvation refers to routine annual invasions of the Megarid .
12 In such circumstances a tribunal may chose to construe the Transfer Regulations purposively and decide that they apply .
13 They then got his notes out and found that he had malignant hypertension — just high blood pressure .
14 The quest for respectability was very much part of the drive to increase audiences generally and to ensure that motion-picture theatres were not confined to any down-town ghetto but it was also part of an even more fundamental question .
15 Hall had arrived at Dalston police station about twenty minutes ago and announced that he was acting for Scott .
16 It seems reasonable to draw these strands together and to presume that considerably more than a thousand teachers are now working in off-site units .
17 Some try to explain the miracles away and say that they did not happen .
18 If your audience includes members who speak different languages or hold different religious views make sure that they can enjoy the quotations too and feel that you are addressing them as well as appreciate their point of view .
19 In 1667 the Marquess of Worcester , as Constable of St Briavels and Warden of the Forest of Dean , was ordered to revive the Forest courts there and to see that the Forest laws were obeyed : their discontinuance had brought about ‘ great destruction of timber and retardment of its future growth ’ .
20 You then bring your hands down and show that the birds have flown .
21 And I 'm not sure that personally I 'm put my hands up and say that I 'd understand all the issues but I understand some of the basic principles and I 'm beginning to understand er some of the complexities of a a planning issue like this .
22 Sometimes you have got to hold your hands up and accept that certain players are not right for you .
23 So we drop the bars too and find that with the conventions described above we have shown that every polynomial can be expressed in the form
24 We tend to view ourselves as physical beings only and to deny that we have anything in the way of a soul or spirit .
25 Designate a set of spatulas for dispensing tissue culture chemicals only and ensure that they are cleaned after every use .
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