Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] as he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He had to double park there — does n't everyone ? — so he put the warning indicators on as he climbed in the back of the red Transit .
2 He steered his way round these words much as he had negotiated the deck .
3 ‘ Well , it 's nice not to find yourself dead , ’ she said , but she closed her eyes submissively as he drew the sheets up over her .
4 On the other , simultaneously , He moves across the surface of the sea : upon the face , riding the waves even as He creates them , surfing the world into existence .
5 ‘ That can wait , ’ Dane said grimly , his eyes hard as he spotted Shae half hidden behind Josh 's bulk .
6 He nodded and the bookie nodded back , his eyes everywhere as he scanned the other faces , looking for takers amid the din .
7 ‘ How do you find yourself now , my dear wife ? ’ said the locksmith , taking a chair near his wife ( who had resumed her book ) , and rubbing his knees hard as he made the inquiry .
8 He grins and there 's mischief in those eyes again as he describes one of his greatest pleasures : ‘ I often come back to Bristol to do Poetry Please .
9 DARLINGTON rally enthusiast Steve Parker had mixed emotions yesterday as he joined hundreds of spectators at Scotch Corner to see classic cars competing in the Monte Carlo Challenge .
10 Cabinet in Rome rebuilt in a day ITALY 'S Prime Minister , Giuliano Amato , reshuffled three key cabinet posts yesterday as he struggled to keep his government afloat after bribery scandals that have cut a swathe through the Italian political class .
11 Elsie had wept for kind Mrs Doran and for her husband , that strange , silent , sympathetic man , lifting his feet cautiously as he sidled across the polished floor .
12 James stuck his hands in his pockets moodily as he want back into Blue Horizons trying to think carefully about what he 'd overheard that Saturday afternoon , and how he could turn it to his advantage .
13 Old Red watched the older man 's slow movements clinically as he held aside the red screen , then followed him out to talk .
14 Santerre apparently did not go round his estates yesterday as he claimed .
15 Amends were made when the same combination sent Stewart back soon afterwards , and poor Atherton 's comeback lasted three balls only as he touched one which went across him .
16 She shooed him back to bed in front of her and he went meekly enough , entering with studied indifference , tapping his fingertips together as he went .
17 Tolkien by contrast was pre-eminently aware of his source-texts , like Beowulf , or Snorri 's Edda , or La3amon 's Brut , as the works of individuals like himself , who used old stories for contemporary purposes just as he did .
18 The colours just as he left them . ’
19 His knowledge of Birkdale paid off handsomely a few years later as he accompanied Arnold Palmer to Palmer 's first Open win .
20 He had n't concentrated on one thing for years now as he had when he 'd started collecting stamps at the age of nine , so careful , so worried , so never leaving anything for a minute that could be done straight away by him .
21 The pose had thrust his hips sideways as he leant at a slight angle and his free hand was at the level of his pelvis , thumb hooked into the waistband of his jeans , fingers doubled into a loose fist at the top of his hard , powerful thigh .
22 CHRIS WILKINSON suffered a painful reversal of fortunes today as he slumped to defeat by world No 191 David Witt at Queens .
23 Ross said some hours later as he entered the apartment while she was giving the children their supper .
24 Further , he might by the same instrument grant a present estate , say for life , to A , followed by an estate for life or in tail to B , and , if he wished , as many further particular estates ( for life or in tail ) to other persons successively as he pleased , ending up , if he thought fit , with an estate in fee simple to some person named .
25 PRESIDENT-elect Bill Clinton kept a careful distance from world problems yesterday as he worked with aides to plan the administration that will take over the world 's most powerful country when he takes the oath of office on January 20 .
26 He heard the soft purring of a car engine and saw the Montego rolling slowly towards them , its driver flashing his lights once as he approached .
27 My father made irregular appearances , singing hymns lustily as he climbed a mizzen-mast like a mountain .
28 She also felt as if she were sitting in front of a bespectacled lunatic who was making things up as he went along .
29 With the opposite number still waiting for his first save , Rhodes was in the thick of things again as he pushed a header from Dave Weir against the crossbar .
30 In a conventional world , the Chancellor would simply roll his forecasts forward as he has been doing for the past two years now .
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