Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] as [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Like this they bound slowly down the boulevard , with him laughing and kicking people 's hats awry as they come arcing back on to the pavement at the end of each step .
2 Security can also be a problem here , so try to park in highly visible places which are less likely to be jammed by visitors ' cars just as you want to get home .
3 I prefer to leave pictures just as I finish them in front of the subject .
4 Have you ever watched people reading to themselves , slow readers who move their lips silently as they read ?
5 In the Guides you will work for Interest Badges just as you have done in Brownies .
6 " Spain has managed to maintain those areas much as they have been since the Middle Ages , because industrial development here has been much slower than in other European nations .
7 I , the armchair observer , lament the cessation of the old skills and crafts just as I deplore the desecration of the open fields by more and more bypasses , pylons , wires , bungalows , concrete , traffic and litter .
8 The ice occasionally shears away as I put my weight on it .
9 I have to put him into kennels tomorrow as I have to go away for some time and they insist that he be fully vaccinated . ’
10 James stuck his hands in his pockets moodily as he want back into Blue Horizons trying to think carefully about what he 'd overheard that Saturday afternoon , and how he could turn it to his advantage .
11 The approach to the building is through a thick rubble wall of granite enclosing a hanging garden which embraces patients and visitors alike as they enter .
12 And in my view what they could n't achieve on that night in Parliament in the nineteen forties is now being achieved by stealth , slicing bits and pieces away as they go along .
13 He does n't blast your eardrums out as you get past the door like some of these do .
14 ( b ) Twist your hips strongly as you punch .
15 The conifers are as varied and successful a group of plants today as they have ever been .
16 But , in the final resort , EC government leaders can make the rules up as they go along . "
17 At the end of the article he writes : ‘ We may say , if we like , that the introspected mind is just a body and its goings on as they appear to the body in question and not to anybody else .
18 You should jot questions down as they occur to you during the talk .
19 You can not expect to be asked the questions exactly as they appear here and you will be badly thrown if you have programmed yourself with exact responses to very particular questions which do not crop up in the way you had anticipated .
20 There are hundreds of arcades in London , and people become addicted to these machines just as they become addicted to drugs .
21 I have been constantly told what a fine man he was and I regret not being able to experience and appreciate his qualities first-hand as I have grown from a child to an adult .
22 It ca n't be assumed that they will just learn and pick things up as they go along .
23 Improvisation should not , in any way , be confused with the rather general idea of ‘ making things up as you go along ’ , which has no real purpose beyond that of entertainment .
24 ‘ … You get your wellies wet , so to speak , and you pick things up as you go along . ’
25 Sort things out as you go — as every family needs to do .
26 References to " poison pills " " shark repellants " and " golden parachutes " irritate some investors even as they impress others — and they flummox almost everybody .
27 The US is hardly lily white in the battle over chip imports into Japan , and Japanese chip users say that their US suppliers have been cancelling deliveries in favour of US customers even as they complain about the difficulty of penetrating the market , according to Electronic Industries Association of Japan .
28 The two little rings again as we have them there .
29 Well the two rings again as we have them there now .
30 In other words , you should n't just hold down the chord shape and pick the notes out as they lie under your hand ; each double has its own fingering .
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