Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [conj] i [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 As you know , I see all appraisal training requests so that I can follow them up as appropriate .
2 I used to even give up my lunch hours so that I could come home and take the dog out !
3 It needs a very large orchestra and I needed a lot of rehearsals so that I could have time to explain the piece fully to the orchestra .
4 No , I 'll put my big trainers on if I can find them !
5 I feel confident because I know I came out to help : directly , by leading them as well as an officer can ; indirectly , by watching their sufferings so that I may plead for them as well as I can .
6 They shackled my legs so that I could not run .
7 ‘ If we 've been doing lessons all morning , they 've usually had enough by the afternoon , so we 'll sing some songs together or I 'll tell them a story .
8 He fumbled his way into the chair provided for visitors and put a hand over his lips so that I should n't see how close he was to tears .
9 ‘ I carried on training as best I could after the operation , but when the specialist told me six months later that I could n't play again , I was shocked .
10 It was only months later when I could listen to the radio and talk over the events with Terry and Tom , that it began to sink in .
11 I believe Warwick changed over to using steel truss rods about eight or nine months ago but I would urge owners to have their basses checked as soon as possible , and would appreciate some kind of response from Warwick as to the precise situation .
12 I think I told you some months ago that I would be asking you to consider that
13 It was a great pleasure meeting you a few months ago and I should like to feel our paths might cross again some time .
14 There are several songs here that I ca n't remember in their original form — not that I 'm going to tell you which ones they are .
15 This morning they 're different again down there cos I 've been down there and I 've looked at the situation erm and I 've had a word with the lads there and I will try and alter it a little bit more .
16 However , I felt we still needed more trials so that I could prove without doubt that my inch loss theory worked .
17 I use these three then I 'll put my thingies in cos I ca n't be bothered to erm change .
18 And give me a pair of tongs so that I can take one out of the water at a time . ’
19 No there will be Wednesdays now that I wo n't be able to come at all .
20 It 's also made me aware of the responsibilities involved in leading other people in bad situations — but I will tackle mountains again and I will go to camp again .
21 It would also be our contention that there should not be an attempt to direct traffic er in a northerly direction onto the A sixty one itself , beyond Killinghall because it is a particularly hazardous road with considerable bends on and I would be inclined to think it was far safer to direct them to the A one via the A fifty nine and southern bypass .
22 I had a meal out with a friend recently , and now we 've got mother into hospital for a few weeks so that I can take my husband away on holiday .
23 Speaking after BSAD 's national junior swimming championships , Mr O'Connor said : ‘ We have been coming to Darlington for eight years now and I can honestly say it gets better every time .
24 Margaret Thatcher had kept her word given over five years before that I would not lose out by my enforced move to Transport and I was now in charge of the biggest spender and largest employer in Whitehall .
25 Yeah we had five hundred er a couple of days back and I would think there 's probably another five hundred or so to go .
26 It will take some weeks now before I can contact my friend and ask him … ask for the information to be repeated . ’
27 I mean it is a few years back but I can remember not long ago it was eighteen P
28 Oh a long time , er , matter of years really before I could settle down at , as I say to me it was roots
29 I said some days ago that I would have difficulty er assisting you in making the choice for for some obvious reasons .
30 If there are any other Schnauzers like me out there , please send a photo to Dogs Today so I can see .
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