Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [conj] they [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 The sun was so low it looked through the dirty window at her , touching the reeds with golden fingers so that they were bright yellow .
2 Instead , they had taken up position in one of the shops opposite where they were concealed by heavy wooden boarding and from where they could see directly into Mordecai 's shop .
3 ‘ He had a knack of jumping on roundabouts just when they were coming to a dead stop . ’
4 The wind whipped the words away and they were lost in the gale but someone must have heard the banging .
5 They made contact with the therapist 3 months later when they were unable to resolve a disagreement .
6 On the other hand , the teacher could have injected an element extrinsic to the drama in the structure by warning the listeners beforehand that they were going to be required to make an accurate report to the rest of the class with the talkers assessing their report for accuracy .
7 Many natural foods we have happily consumed for centuries would never be allowed to be sold in the shops today if they were subject to the same tests as modern drugs and edible substances .
8 And some people , you know they , they managed to , you know they did n't have their husbands there and they were going home and they were wonderfully relieved and for others obviously it was , you know there is still a lot of emotion .
9 Partly no doubt because Bob had been brought up in Thornton Heath , he was popular with local fans , but his popularity also stemmed from the fact the he made or scored vital goals precisely when they were needed .
10 In Japan there were more than 40,000 kids there but they were so far away she must have physically looked half an inch high .
11 He announced that he was prepared to admit that the invisible undetectable substance existed on the moon , but insisted that it was not disturbed in the way suggested by his rival but in fact was piled up on top of the mountains so that they were many times higher than they appeared through the telescope .
12 Saudi Arabia , the United Arab Emirates and Libya told oil companies earlier that they were making cuts to comply with new quotas .
13 to walk round the bread shelves twice and they were right on the bottom shelf when I eventually tracked them down and they had the hot cross buns on the shelves .
14 you would n't allow somebody else who 'd got the sulks on because they were n't interviewed
15 Voluntary members made more than a fair ‘ consumer contribution ’ to the costs of adult education , their unpaid efforts helped to keep those costs down and they were entitled to more grant-aid from public funds .
16 Travelogues were immensely popular , people had n't the resources to travel in those days easily unless they were wealthy , and here was a chance to see what the world was like in various places that were inaccessible erm to the average member of the audience .
17 He was no respecter of persons or institutions or ideas just because they were vested with a brief authority , and nothing gave him more pleasure than to prick the bubble of pretension .
18 It was not until several years later that they were able to unravel the possible cause of the visitation .
19 Koppes comments on the launch of the Russian Sputnik : ‘ JPL personnel could remember years later where they were when they heard the news , what they first thought , and what they did . ’
20 You could keep them a as long as it was a reasonable way from the street as you might say and , and were fortunate because our pigstys had been built years before and they were ooh , suitably fifty to sixty yards from the main road you see , but I used to laugh at that when we , when we were having these pigs killed .
21 We stop the jeep for a few words with the Marines , some I recognise from a few weeks ago when they were on their way to take up positions on the coast , on the left of 1st Commando Brigade .
22 This week , they play three nights at London 's Town & Country Club , which is n't bad , but it 's a high step down from the dizzy heights of packing out Wembley for several shows on the trot as they did five years ago when they were one of the biggest bands in Europe .
23 He had been sales director for the major British manufacturer and had left two or three years ago when they were absorbed into a large industrial conglomerate .
24 He met his wife , Gail Rebuck , now divisional chairman of Hutchinson Books , twenty years ago when they were students at Sussex University , but only married her five years ago on April Fool 's Day .
25 Dollar interest rates cracked the price of gold down a dozen years ago when they were hoisted to 20 per cent .
26 But that was many years ago when they were still juveniles and one day she disappeared and none of the eagles there has since had the full power of a Callanish eagle .
27 used to do years ago because they were working or whatever .
28 Then , as soon as they were given access to each other , and also to the small molecules needed as raw materials , in water , both got back to their old tricks even though they were no longer in a living cell but in a test tube .
29 There was only one day , was n't there , or did they have days here but they were just very long ?
30 The plight of an Argentinian clerk , Perico Rodriguez , imprisoned and tortured because of his criticisms of the military government , was brought to Amnesty 's attention by an English couple who had previously befriended Rodriguez two years earlier when they were hitch-hiking across Argentina .
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