Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [conj] [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 This often provokes a negative reaction from the other person who bridles at the explicit disagreement and therefore fails to listen to the reasons — indeed , is highly likely to interrupt the reasons rather than hear them out .
2 Prudent homeowners build their houses on continuous foundations rather than rest them on pier blocks from which they can be bucked when the big shake comes .
3 Such a catalogue inevitably tends to describe and characterise artists rather than evaluate them , while interpretation is likely to be left to quotations from the artists .
4 Mentally handicapped people were first admitted to mental hospitals as a policy of segregation at a time when it was thought most prudent to contain such people in institutions rather than permit them to roam freely in society .
5 Both David and Steve will have objective views rather than tell me what I want to hear . ’
6 It says it will subsidise future private operators rather than permit them to raise London commuter fares to commercial levels .
7 THE Property Exchange , a new company publishing a national directory of people who want to swap homes rather than sell them ( if the properties have different values , one party pays the other the difference ) says that so far most people are looking for smaller homes .
8 For this purpose some printers can be put into a special mode in which they print the escape sequences rather than interpret them .
9 But I did wonder , after a year or more , how it was that he and Mme G expected me to use the public baths rather than offer me the convenience of the bathroom in the pavillon .
10 I challenge the cigarette manufacturers rather than support them .
11 In a time of severe agricultural depression , for example , the landlord might do better to allow his tenant farmers to go into arrears rather than exercise his legal rights , in the hope that over time things would balance out .
12 The Council feel that SARU should concentrate on raising money for the development of rugby in the townships rather than spend it on overseas tours to countries which can not afford to finance the visits .
13 As Montag begins to realise how wrong his community is , he starts to steal a few books rather than burn them all .
14 Since the picture comes between us and the person , false ideas hinder relationships rather than help them .
15 PLAN will be supporting the government 's policy to integrate these children into existing family units rather than absorb them into separate institutions . ’
16 Buyers will bargain hard to cut the cost of the house they want , but dig in their heels rather than reduce their own asking price .
17 In one case — I think it was in Warwickshire — a local authority , on reflection , revised its bid and decided to develop its relationship with housing associations rather than commit its allocation to its own project .
18 And it occu It seemed to me therefore that really one could only consider this level o at a strategic issue by looking at the quality of the existing landscape and it seems to me , if the proposition is that you should locate a new settlement to the erm North in the Ryedale sector , er of Greater York , then you 're effectively turning planning on its head because I think the usual approach is to try and steer development to less attractive areas rather than put them in better quality areas .
19 De Gaulle held his ground and , not for the first time , even contemplated a break with the Allies rather than accept their demands .
20 The worst union representatives are those who create problems rather than solve them , who continually find fault with management rather than build on strengths .
21 In practice , as we have seen , it is British policy to subsidise the polluting farmers rather than make them pay to clean up the pollution . )
22 They have read it was proposed and seconded by the Reverends erm Mike and Gethwyn and if there any questions I am sure that they are to answer questions rather than ask them to speak to us .
23 This was a major factor in the decision by Fowler Welch , an expanding road haulage company in Spalding , Lincolnshire , to lease its trailers and lorries rather than purchase them outright .
24 Er but I think you know , you 've got sort of police walking around all the time , erm it can aggravate things rather than calm them .
25 We forgot the size of the 8 per cent swing required to give Labour an overall majority ; that the Tories had held their private leadership election 18 months before ; that recessions steel hearts rather than change them , driving people back to the devil they know , to secure their own base-line rather than pushing them towards adventurous alternatives .
26 Adobe has always been highly protective of its source code , turning down deals rather than share it .
27 learning to express feelings rather than suppress them through addictive processes .
28 Some people marry into families rather than commit themselves to a partner .
29 State enterprises had been hoarding goods rather than sell them at unprofitable retail prices , thereby exacerbating shortages in the shops [ see p. 37902 ] .
30 However , many exporters import the materials and components used in their exported goods rather than buy them locally .
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