Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [conj] [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 Is that something you can easily forget , pulling a man 's trousers on when he 's got handcuffs on and lying on his front ?
2 Mr Bewick was criticised strongly yesterday by Mr Sells for carrying out too many operations rather than reflecting on the ethics involved .
3 They seem determined to spend their community charge payers ' money on the most irrelevant and frivolous projects rather than concentrating on the real problems that the hon. Gentleman described .
4 When BAT Industries , ICI and others are divesting activities as raiders appear ; when Courtaulds and Racal are divesting or splitting activities so as to focus on their core businesses ; the time has surely come to think again about corporate and other strategies .
5 Families are to be encouraged to live in their own homes rather than to rely on the state ( in the form of local authorities ) for the provision of council housing .
6 She had once explained that slaughtering animals secretly and trading on the black market was simply bending the law a little and not really stealing at all , but real thieves were as bad as liars .
7 Nobody remarked on it because all the students are foreign and occasionally take trips home or go on sightseeing tours .
8 Praxis says it is well down the development road of getting an ANDF installer up on another RISC , possibly the Inmos Transputer , whilst there are known to be several other key players keen to get installers up and running on their kit too ( UX No 385 ) .
9 It is a simply a question of reassuring partners or close companions , rectifying the mistakes made approximately six months ago and capitalising on property or other assets .
10 But he said : ‘ For the offences involving or linked to theft from cars particularly while committed on bail I feel no other sentence than a custodial one would be appropriate . ’
11 At this point in his writing a white pigeon which had been fluttering round the swimming-pool alighted on the table , took two steps forward and excreted on the ‘ Jottings ’ , no doubt in the interests of historical accuracy .
12 Arty closed his eyes again and concentrated on the music .
13 He yawned , closed his eyes again and turned on his side .
14 This ‘ supervisory jurisdiction ’ ( which is ‘ inherent ’ , that is to say , it is a jurisdiction which was assumed by the judges rather than conferred on the court by statute ) is to be contrasted with ‘ appellate jurisdiction ’ ( which is possessed by a number of courts and other bodies such as appeal tribunals ) .
15 It was crude , a trifle unfinished and unformed — in any other Dream , she would have researched the externals rather than built on a whim — but it was what she wanted .
16 Choose one of the ideas below or decide on your own Thinking Day theme .
17 The best hope for Buckingham Palace must be that the couple can avoid divorce , put their disappointments aside and agree on a distant but reasonably amiable working partnership .
18 Anil Gadre , Sun Microsystems Computer Corp 's vice president of systems product marketing , told Unigram last week that it has a 64-bit part that it is playing with , but there is no operating system or applications up and running on it , yet .
19 Control Techniques was founded 20 years ago and floated on the Stock Market in 1985 , when the annual turnover was £6.8m .
20 They are considering now short-term leases rather than sell on the market as it is at the present , and they are including the clinic in the buildings for which they are looking for alternative uses .
21 However , most of the research on families is based on clinical samples of families with problems rather than research on ‘ normal ’ families .
22 It is here that you can try things out and work on your whole repertoire of turns ( refer to previous Pocket Clinics for inspiration ) .
23 Bringing 7 visiting teams here and putting on the matches will cost almost quarter of a million pounds .
24 We hope our politicians pull their fingers out and negotiate on our behalf , ’ says March .
25 Where our competitive position is weak , we have continued to divest assets to help fund more profitable ventures elsewhere and build on our areas of strength .
26 They implement decisions rather than deciding on the overall direction of a company ; they do not have effective control over the company they work for .
27 John Edmonds , a confidant of Neil Kinnock , said the party needed to talk to potential members rather than rely on advertisements and mail shots .
28 It will accept offers only if made on its own forms and thus incorporating the terms that it wishes to include .
29 She pulled the thin green curtains together and sat on her bed .
30 Usually though , to make far-reaching decisions correctly and capitalise on opportunity , vital intelligence is essential .
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