Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [prep] [adj] day " in BNC.

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1 He 's er , three winners out of four days , and a second , and er , he 's going for a couple at Cheltenham today , in the twelve thirty five , number four , Book of Music , and in the two fifty five , number two , Flashing Steel .
2 It was true there were many snakes there on hot days sunning themselves but that did not worry him .
3 A good round followed by a poor one often means a missed cut , and it is very difficult to put two rounds together on consecutive days if you have not been used to doing so .
4 And he went into the main agent in Edinburgh and gave them an order for three of those , and of course , we did n't get them just right away because er probably we 'd have got the last one about a couple of years later in these days .
5 To inhibit uptake or radioiodine by the thyroid , Lugol solution 2–3 mg/kg per day was given from 7 days before until 7 days after treatment .
6 Twenty-nine years ago to this day , this motion on the Loyal Address was moved by the then hon. Member for Bury St. Edmunds , my late father , William Aitken .
7 Migraine is a very severe , often one-sided , headache which can last from several hours up to two days .
8 Pro-lifers will claim that if we allow experiments up to 14 days , then next year it will be a month , then three months .
9 Sadly , the Warnock majority is confused as to its basic philosophical argument , condemning utilitarianism in its foreword but relying on it in justifying its crucial recommendation to allow experiments up to 14 days , only to reject it again in opposing the routine testing of drugs on human embryos at any stage from conception .
10 They send their prospective consultants out for two days before they come into head office for the three day training .
11 But erm yes sometimes you 'd , you 'd get there in time but you see they 'd just , I , there , there were n't the telephones about in those days so you , you , you could n't , everybody did n't have a phone , they could n't ring in an and say I 'm in labour .
12 yes , erm my wife came from the Midlands , from Coventry and her family roots were in Coventry at the Midlands , in fact there she still has numerous nieces and nephews and great nephews and great nieces there to this day , my with the exception of a sister who moved , who , to Basildon , erm I have two brothers and er they still live in London , still live in East Ham , er the distance is not too great erm and , but obviously as we get older the amount of visiting we do will be constricted by the difficulties of getting from Harlow to East Ham especially when one is compelled to stop driving a motor car
13 If the adventurers have n't buried the bodies properly after seven days the Ghost will attack them , convinced that they were lying .
14 We are extremely fortunate that has agreed to continue to work as part-time Secretary to the Society and she will be there to deal personally with any Q.T 's queries etc on those days .
15 If you ca n't get enough news , we have bulletins regularly throughout each day , starting at six fifteen in the morning , with the main programmes at five to one and six thirty .
16 Members may make court bookings up to seven days in advance ( 14 days for Squash Club members ) .
17 Members may make court bookings up to seven days in advance ( 14 days for Squash Club members ) .
18 STRONG support for research on human embryos up to 14 days old came from the Medical Research Council yesterday , which adds its voice to that of the Royal Society , the Royal Colleges , and the medical charities opposing a ban .
19 The summit itself is crowned by a trig pillar , a huge cairn , and a walled shelter along with the remains of a celebratory tower built in 1838 to commemorate Victoria 's Coronation , but wrecked by revelling locals after the opening — there were problems with vandals even in those days !
20 DISQUALIFIED driver Peter Burgess escaped police twice in nine days , Teesside Crown Court heard yesterday .
21 There were not the multitude of motorcars about in those days , as there are now , but that was one of the firms that was trying to make it , and has done it , like that .
22 Well , you were talking flying the horses around putting them in horses boxes well in those days they did n't have many vehicles did they ?
23 Greg had seen the posters around for some days , and on the evening before opening day he made it his business to pass by the warehouse and go in , for he was a paid-up member of the club , and lit seemed easy enough to fake a mistake about the members ' viewing day .
24 Wind resistance : I had no complaints even on blustery days with snow underfoot .
25 Until just before the First World War , a strong decoction containing sarsaparilla , calomel , cinnabar , anise , fennel , senna , and liquorice was warmed up and taken in quart doses daily for ten days .
26 In the Gaza Strip soldiers shot dead three Palestinians , bringing the number of deaths there in recent days to 11 .
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