Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [adj] [unc] cent " in BNC.

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1 In some courts applications were successful in 96 per cent of cases ; in other courts only 9 per cent were successful .
2 But of the winners only 2 per cent are shown to be better off by £2 a week , whereas 39 per cent of losers will be asked to pay a local poll tax that is more than £2 above their then current rate contribution ( Poll Tax Facts , no. 9 , Local Government Information Unit , 1988 ) .
3 The most dismal performance is by Pravda , the official party paper , of whose regular readers only 36 per cent had renewed their subscriptions .
4 Dr Anne Kussmaul has estimated that between the fifteenth and the nineteenth centuries about 60 per cent of the population aged between 15 and 24 were farm servants and that between a third and a half of the country 's hired labour force was supplied in this way .
5 The Eurotrack 100 yields about 3.1 per cent , which exceeds the current yield of the trust 's portfolio .
6 During the course of the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries over 60 per cent of the parish churches in England were extensively rebuilt , normally in the magnificent Perpendicular style of Gothic architecture first employed in the construction of Gloucester Cathedral during the thirteenth century .
7 Later amendments made remittances over 12 per cent of registered capital subject to heavy taxes .
8 For entries over 20 per cent above the index figure actually shown , another point will be added , up to a maximum of ten points .
9 Under the Chancellor 's proposals , the reserves will be redesignated as tax deductible reserves where 50 per cent of profits from underwriting business may be deposited tax free .
10 At present the country imports nearly 90 per cent of its timber requirements .
11 On the other end of the childbearing period , infant mortality in the maternal age group 40 years and over is also very high ; in the 39 WFS countries about 24 per cent higher than in the 30–39 and about 30 per cent higher than in the 20–29 maternal age groups .
12 Northern NGOs pointed out that while Brazil had declared protected zones over 9 per cent of its forests , in Canada the equivalent was 3 per cent .
13 In some areas over 50 per cent of planning applications fall into these categories .
14 The gap must be narrowed between the rich countries of the world and the poorer countries where 70 per cent of the world 's people live on only 30 per cent of its income .
15 Only ten per cent of the sample overall picked all the rectangles and rejected the non-rectangles further 26 per cent picked the rectangles and parallelogram but rejected the square as a rectangle .
16 ( 1989 ) , combining GHS and British Crime Survey ( BCS ) figures , suggest that household burglary rose by 17 per cent while police figures showed an increase nearly 8 times more -127 per cent .
17 The proportion of one parent families living ‘ on the margins of poverty ’ has increased since 1979 when a half of all one parent families had incomes below 140 per cent of sb .
18 Data for 1987 suggest that nearly 80 per cent of families where the head of household is unemployed have incomes below 50 per cent of average income ( Oppenheim , 1990 ) .
19 By 7 years only 1.5 per cent of children are still soiling and by 10 to 11 years this is down to 0.8 per cent ( Bellman 1966 ) .
20 Of total foreign investment in Czechoslovakia over the previous 2 years only 11 per cent had gone to Slovakia , and the common perception was that the industries of the Czech Lands were in general better placed to benefit from the programme of rapid privatization emphasised by Klaus .
21 But there are twelve fewer non-North American galleries this year , and forty-two dealers nearly twenty-five per cent of the fair are here for the first time .
22 Two years later 51 per cent was sold to Shenley Canada , which in turn was bought by Guinness last year .
23 These days about 15 per cent of our energy is obtained at the flick of a switch .
24 In previous years about 20 per cent .
25 Forty years ago thirty-five per cent of freight was taken by road with forty-two going by rail .
26 Of the 2802 pollution incidents from the industrial sources only four per cent were classified as major .
27 Husbands or wives were seen about 36 per cent of the 639 , other relatives about 43 per cent , friends or neighbours about 10 per cent , staff of institutions about 10 per cent and other officials about one per cent .
28 IMAGINE the reaction if , say , Ladbroke came to its shareholders and said : ‘ The Government have decreed that we will have to rebid for our betting licence in 1992 , and to put ourselves in a better position to win it we are taking on borrowings equal to our equity and giving our managers around 15 per cent of the company . ’
29 A. If your Temporales are still about the same size they I am afraid it is extremely likely that you have two of the same sex , as size is a major sexual difference in this species , with males around 50 per cent bigger in all directions than females .
30 Up to a third of mothers using such facilities have no job , except for day nurseries where 60–70 per cent of the mothers are employed ( Osborn , Butler , and Morris 1984 ) .
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