Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [verb] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In deeper channels , black and highly carbonaceous muds eventually form to create anaerobic conditions .
2 Allegations made in Moscow suggest that , in contravention of the 1983 London Dumping Convention , Soviet authorities secretly continued to dump thousands of tons of radioactive waste in the sea off the northern coast until 1986 .
3 Beginners and intermediate trainers rarely need to do more than squats or calf raises to achieve good leg development .
4 Aerial work pilots such as crop-sprayers , aerial photographers , power-line inspectors etc. have to give great concentration to their work and have little opportunity to scan the sky for aircraft approaching at high speed .
5 In some cases the districts alone have established joint committees within the area covered by a top-tier authority .
6 A letter from the Chairman of the Juniper Green Primary School Board detailing the steps already taken to alleviate this problem .
7 Where schools patently did need greater assistance , Leslie Ryder reasoned , was in the production of materials , in the planning of course units making use of resources , and in the use and operation of audio-visual and reprographic equipment .
9 A bill revising the local autonomy law was passed in December 1989 , enabling political parties to field candidates for local parliament elections ; political parties soon agreed to hold such elections in the first half of 1990 .
10 In witness whereof the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date set forth above .
11 It was some way from the lodging , and Paul 's attentions still made walking difficult ; it would not do to arrive dishevelled and swaying , and she had to use some of Mrs Gracie 's money on a cab .
12 Whereas businesses are moving to more and more decentralized operations , business units still need to have instantaneous access to information .
13 On hearing a bell ring before the appearance of food the animals quickly came to associate that sound with feeding time .
14 Most animals quickly learn to keep clear of boldly striped insects , particularly if they sting .
15 Despite this , a pilot survey indicated that 10% of drivers still forget to lock all doors , shut all windows or lock the boot .
16 Despite the fall in the average rate of pocket money , the majority of British teenagers still manage to save all or most of their money .
17 We played really well and while the other contenders still had to play each other , our run-in was not too bad .
18 There is evidence for some geological activity on Venus , and though it is unlikely that Plate Tectonics ever got going this conclusion is not yet beyond doubt .
19 Other units rapidly followed establishing British control over the main lines of communication throughout most of Carinthia and by 10 May Gen Keightley had set up his 5 Corps HQ near Klagenfurt .
20 Or could it be that one was from March 24–26 and the other from April 6–9 when politicians of all parties confidently expect to have other things on their minds ?
21 Although such characteristics probably do play some secondary role , we find this interpretation unconvincing and suspect that it stems from a need to make a connection with what are perceived as the relatively more ‘ attractive ’ features of psychosis , rather than with those emphasised in descriptions of schizophrenia , a concept that has taken on almost entirely negative connotations .
22 Producing cars also involves making flexible robots for assembling parts and linking them by computer ; steady improvements in these technologies , in turn , lead to expert production systems that can be applied anywhere .
23 Its demands probably do exclude some otherwise suitable candidates .
24 Price signals also failed to provide significant pressures on the BEA .
25 The strength of the demands also appears to reflect growing Tory doubts about the scope for success in revived inter-party negotiations , if they take place .
26 These valves also serve to trap any water which may accidentally pass the blowhole , and thus prevent it from entering the lungs , which would cause choking or drowning .
27 Far from wanting students to challenge and think about the important issues that affect patients and the community , the course tutors simply seemed to want compliant students who would not answer back .
28 These gentlemen here have got such big mouths it 's unbelievable .
29 All around her , the flower-market was bustling with life as traders seemingly managed to clinch three deals simultaneously , talking and haggling at double speed .
30 The main aim of British units then became to prevent these crossing the River Drau .
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