Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [subord] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And if we were going to be bored , and we were usually bored , rarely being self-motivated , we could at least be bored on our own terms , lying smashed on mattresses in ruined houses rather than working in the machine .
2 to develop opportunities , relationships and patterns of living , in line with their individual wishes rather than rule of thumb normality ;
3 ‘ I wish our church leaders would deal with the problem of young , male violence in the inner cities rather than talk about the Social Chapter , ’ he said .
4 From his wrinkled face and sunburned skin he looked as though he had risen from the ranks rather than graduating from Saint Cyr or the Ecole Militaire .
5 Mr Bewick was criticised strongly yesterday by Mr Sells for carrying out too many operations rather than reflecting on the ethics involved .
6 They seem determined to spend their community charge payers ' money on the most irrelevant and frivolous projects rather than concentrating on the real problems that the hon. Gentleman described .
7 The cause of the accident was held to be the unsafe system of work used by the plaintiff 's employers rather than use of the premises .
8 Children work in groups rather than sitting in rows facing the blackboard .
9 Problems can also arise with companies with , for example , assets in transit in Italy , which are then seized by local creditors rather than retained for the benefit of the creditors as a whole .
10 Incidentally , the working pattern of these bodyguards , so it transpired over the following days , entailed one or the other of them going up to sleep at unusual hours so as to ensure at least one was on duty throughout the night .
11 When BAT Industries , ICI and others are divesting activities as raiders appear ; when Courtaulds and Racal are divesting or splitting activities so as to focus on their core businesses ; the time has surely come to think again about corporate and other strategies .
12 Her meanings all but drowned in the immensity of it all .
13 What Kane proposes is the strategy of ENTRYISM — which in its original connotation was a strategy of entering mainstream political parties undertaken by revolutionary groups so as to subvert from within .
14 The campaign comes as the government 's community care policy seeks to persuade more frail elderly people to stay in their own homes rather than go into residential care .
15 Families are to be encouraged to live in their own homes rather than to rely on the state ( in the form of local authorities ) for the provision of council housing .
16 The majority of elderly people would far rather stay in their own homes rather than live in residential homes , however good that home may be .
17 Professor Hugh Miller , also from Aberdeen University and who had advised on the Commission 's 1984 paper which questioned the link between acidity and fish losses , wrote that ‘ there is at present no evidence of damage ’ and ‘ When worried about the health of our trees it would seem preferable to heed qualified forest pathologists rather than respond to assorted ecologists and conservationists , no matter what their nationality . ’
18 ‘ Diana clearly believed that Fergie should hear the news from her own lips rather than read about it .
19 So also , where an impoverished family left their accommodation on receipt of a distress warrant for rent arrears rather than wait for an eviction order , they were held by the House of Lords to have become homeless intentionally and this encouraged local housing authorities to require such orders before accepting such homeless applicants .
20 By now , though , the Japanese were getting wary of ambush , and following their usual high standard of training they had sentries hidden in the bushes rather than marching to and fro as ready bait for a commando knife .
21 Lists of stolen or lost traveller 's cheques are circulated to hotels and the cashier should consult these lists discreetly when dealing with traveller 's cheques .
22 The crows avoided the central green eggs , but they shifted to nearby wheatfields rather than travelling to the white eggs .
23 That suggestion is not itself a checkerboard solution : each state would retain a constitutional duty that its own abortion statute be coherent in principle , and the suggestion offers itself as recognizing independent sovereigns rather than speaking for all together .
24 Go round the animals rather than walking through a group of them .
25 You will probably be surprised at what a different experience it is actually speaking the words rather than running through them in your head .
26 We need to look , then , for the specific practices that produce gender roles rather than stopping at the roles themselves .
27 The Public Service Ideal does not assume , against all the evidence , that a free market will necessarily produce political access , variety , and debate ; it insists upon mechanisms which aim directly at these goals rather than relying upon their being achieved as the accidental by-products of mechanisms whose primary function is to achieve quite different goals such as commercial profitability or proprietorial self-indulgence .
28 The course was lengthened by pushing back some tees so as to comply with the Regulations on Handicapping , resulting in the Club having four recognised S.S. courses : White ( 70 ) , Yellow ( 69 ) , Green ( 68 ) and the L.G.U. Red ( 72 ) .
29 Reform of the United Nations so as to work towards greater representativeness , accountability and independence .
30 Signatories of GATT could institute tariff changes which might discriminate against third parties only if done over a long period of time , so giving those third parties the opportunities of adjusting to the change without suffering severe economic disruption .
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