Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [vb base] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The election manifestos of the Conservative and Labour parties fundamentally disagree about how well a market economy works .
2 Animals rarely live in completely stable environments .
3 Own label groceries only sell half as much proportionately in Ireland as in the UK .
4 The council 's emergency planning officer , Mike Hill , said : ‘ High tides alone do n't necessarily mean flooding , there has to be a combination of winds and tides , and this may not happen .
5 Fans just go straight home instead of coming in for a drink .
6 But biological characteristics still seem generally less easy to change than social characteristics , and egalitarian feminists remain more interested in social than in biological explanations .
7 But alternative remedies also raise quite directly questions about the suitability of the judicial process as opposed other avenues open for the control of governmental action .
8 It was such an idea of modularity that Minsky intended in the quoted passage above , and he has suggested at various times that an organism would be more efficient , in terms of its ability to survive , if it had , as a separate module , a model of itself , which might of course be totally false as to the facts of the self 's reality : alcoholics who believe themselves to be merely social drinkers probably survive less well than those who believe themselves to be alcoholics .
9 Once one begins to examine the system in any detail , the institutional variations seem virtually endless ; and standardized titles and labels often conceal even more informal variety .
10 American manufacturers typically take about twice as long before replacing similar models .
11 But Bob Champion 's immediate duties after his victory included the obligatory press conference , and his words there sum up why the 1981 Grand National has gone down in history not only as one of the most emotional races ever run , but as perhaps the most inspirational :
12 Right right look at the pictures then do n't okay stop thinking of hydrochloric acid , think of H C L.
13 It is a small area and most of the teenagers there mess around together .
14 Despite the budget 's eye-catching austerity , and a recession in France that continues to deepen , complaints from unions and opposition parties alike have so far been muted .
15 Smaller gatherings are more personal and the mess-ups actually stand out more , and are more likely to happen .
16 The continents just drift around passively on the backs of the mantle convection cells , like great rafts , with the ‘ leading ’ edges of the rafts being dragged down and thickened where they encounter descending oceanic crust .
17 Certainly in the class-room those from two feet to two feet only go straight up and down in all changements , soubresauts and entrechats with both legs fully extended at the height of the jump .
18 Commenting on the snail-paced trial , the justice minister , Masaharu Gotoda , said : ‘ Trials just last too long .
19 To the visitor , as opposed perhaps to the natural historian , these mountains still appear most luxuriantly and healthily treed .
20 Often patients come with considerable back or neck pain , but unless they can use the experience of crying to look at the repression of feeling in their lives , the effects of the massage is short-lived as the tensions quickly build up again .
21 That the two sets of biases oppose each other is no guarantee that short term measures of reproductive success will provide reliable estimates of variation in lifetime success for the comparative strengths of the different biases probably vary widely too .
22 Fords and bridge sites often change little over the years and Watkins cites several examples of leys crossing rivers at fords .
23 However , these flows may be ultimately recycled into the domestic circular flow because governments invariably spend what they raise in taxation , because expenditure on investment goods is frequently financed out of current saving , and because other countries often spend on domestically produced goods and services at the same time as we purchase their products .
24 It has to be emphasised that the numbers of casualties often vary quite considerably from year to year as a result of weather and a number of external factors which affect the amount of travel .
25 For example , if continued family contact is in the child 's best interest , social workers should make sure at the matching stage that the proposed new parents really believe so too .
26 Scots crews often do well there .
27 More equipment , especially computers are desperately needed to help youngsters here have just as much fun as any other children .
28 Pension fund surpluses can be dangerous in that they may encourage corporate takeovers in order to strip the pension fund , although many companies nowadays have very carefully worded trust deeds for their pension funds to limit the chance of takeover .
29 This may or may not be desirable : administrators sometimes act more quickly than lawyers and judges ( they are certainly a lot less expensive ) , but they are always vulnerable to regulatory capture and they can make bad decisions if they are poorly funded and undermanned ( for some observations on this issue , see Areeda , 1992 . )
30 The continuous lines then come straight out from the pole and are pegged to the ground forming a triangle shape .
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