Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [coord] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 Write your plans below and evaluate at the next C.P.S.
2 Robyn ground her teeth together and glared at him .
3 She closed her eyes grimly and pointed at the table .
4 As she taxied in to the small civilian terminal , Adam watched the three fighter planes ease their pointed noses skyward and climb at over thirty thousand feet a minute .
5 Mrs Stych opened her eyes slowly and looked at him as if he had gone mad .
6 For the first time we 've had to get our heads down and look at what we 're doing .
7 The kids at my new school all went round in little gangs , spoiling for a fight — nothing serious , just pushing other kids over and jeering at them .
8 One of his reasons for leaving the Navy had been his dislike of the social relations between officers and ratings — take three paces backwards and shout at them .
9 An office colleague to whom I had told my story , went to Lochinver by train and bus a few months later and stayed at the same cottage .
10 He stared down at his knees , then stretched his legs out and gazed at his calves and feet .
11 ‘ It was your — ’ He cut off his own words abruptly and stared at her woodenly as if frustrated because she was right .
12 So uncovered their eyes again and peered at the sun-god through their lashes .
13 She began to turn the pictures round and flap at the mantelpiece with a duster .
14 The museum man placed his fingertips together and nodded at Davide as he took trouble to explain , and the colour flowed back from Davide 's cheeks and he slipped the coin into his pocket , with its two faces that were neither mirror images of one another , nor replicas , but a false double , an inexact repeat .
15 Margaret of Carlisle , 47 , was widowed two years ago and knew at first hand the financial problems that can arise from the sudden death of a loved one and the trauma of finding that her partner was inadequately insured .
16 Inspect plants regularly and spray at the first signs of attack .
17 But Malcolm Brodie , who must have been 80 yards away and looking at the player 's back , could say the goal was quite rightly disallowed .
18 As they stepped out from behind the tree , a figure , walking rapidly and glancing back over his shoulder , stepped off the pavement a few yards up and came at them on a collision course .
19 I think he held the reins back and smiled at the camera ; so long since he did it .
20 Instead he took the opportunity to read the files again and look at extracts from the visual record — films taken throughout the eight years of Kim 's stay within the Recruitment Project .
21 I mean , what we 're trying to do in the visual arts is to spend what limited money we have to produce a better situation for the visual artist and for the public who gets pleasure and enlightenment from visual arts than exists at the moment , so rather than just prop up the status quo , which is what is would be very easy to do if one just kept the pot boiling so to speak by giving a few grants to artists here and sitting at the centre of a spider 's web in Tunbridge Wells waiting for applications to come in to us and then responding .
22 An " unseen " exam paper allows different examiners to mark the same answers independently and to arrive at a fairly consistent and impartial assessment of the candidate 's overall performance and potential .
23 He seemed fascinated by his hands ; he was flexing the fingers rhythmically and gazing at them as if they could tell him something important about himself .
24 He pulled his hands away and stared at Lord Henry with wild eyes .
25 Philip opened his desk drawer to take the medals out and look at them again .
26 Julia felt too tired and afraid to speak , but she lifted her heavy eyelids again and looked at him .
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