Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] [coord] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 And when they tied up at Water Gypsy 's permanent moorings , he gathered his few possessions together and left with only the most perfunctory of farewells .
2 She felt him lace their fingers together and trembled with a strange mixture of excitement and trepidation .
3 As one of the ‘ older ’ helpers it was a little like going back to school as my two ‘ children ’ are now 28 and 25 and I do not have any grandchildren so holding babies of 18 months upwards and playing with youngsters was quite a change .
4 But perhaps it is best to take a few steps back and begin with the preliminary question : why an exhibition of the nude ?
5 It expected that Scott would produce a building to vie with his great designs abroad and concluded with the hope that ‘ the recent discussions in which so much misapprehension has been exhibited will not shake your determination to carry out the selected design ’ .
6 She peered at the tangle of brambles inside and shook with excitement : there was a perfect spider 's web today .
7 I could also pick his feet out and deal with the foot-rot which was starting to set in .
8 If you are closer , then your foot curls around and strikes with the knee still part-flexed .
9 It 's supposed to gang as many as 100 Renoirs together and come with its own parallel versions of IMS , DB2 , CICS and MVS .
10 She spent two weeks inside and returned with a vast stack of photocopied originals and a bill for the astronomical sum of f25 .
11 DEC claims 2,000 development sites for OSF/1 1.2 on Alpha , with 400 applications up and running with a further 1,000 committed .
12 Mrs Turner ) taught classics in independent schools until 1966 when she became Headmistress of Badminton prior to her marriage two years later and continued with some part-time teaching while living in Shropshire .
13 Gossage 's images of Berlin at night , and as a block city , are reminiscent of photographs taken 50 years ago and resonate with a sense of Berlin 's history .
14 ‘ Phoenixa ’ is EMI 's culling from the old Pye Nixa catalogue , which it acquired a few years ago and launched with a contribution from each record sold to the environmental music charity ‘ Music for the World ’ .
15 The HP SupportPack is a three-year support package available through authorised resellers worldwide and designed to keep customers ' business operations up and running with assurance of next-day product replacement directly from Hewlett-Packard .
16 Single stranded DNAs from these phagemids were subjected to primer extension with radioactive M13 universal and reverse primers respectively and cleaved with I- Sce III .
17 He entered forcefully into local politics , strengthening his position in the town by the purchase of properties there and allying with the enemies of the unreformed municipal corporation of Fowey .
18 They also tended to know their middle-class patients better and communicated with them better than with their working-class patients .
19 Certainly they would have had much to talk about , recalling voyages up the New England coast ; how they had dared storms together and mixed with tough Maine characters at the Jonesport summer ball , or how one of Peters 's cruises had been christened after the four B's which constituted their provisions : beans , bacon , bread , and bananas .
20 Up to now all has been plain sailing but at the third row you have a straight arrow indicating to select needles again and transfer with the lace carriage and you have only just transferred stitches the other way without working two knit rows between .
21 I asked had a very heated discussion erm where I si wanting to be having the careers teachers in and working with the forms etcetera and doing it , the er job wise and he would n't entertain at all
22 We came back from there back into the rooms that we having instructions in and continued with our lessons .
23 Then he took his arms away and roared with laughter and drew comic glasses round her eyes on the glass .
24 Those of us from the South who left behind tree-strewn roads and gardens after the devastation of the recent October storm , were delighted to be in such beautiful surroundings again and to meet with our Lilleshall friends from other parts of the country .
25 My reaction to it now is to take all the delays off and play with just the straight guitar — do something different ! ’
26 ‘ It 's less threatening for men to lump women together and deal with them as one , rather than pointing out the differences . ’
27 Roll the fillets up and secure with a cocktail stick .
28 I shall be talking services today and dealing with Clare from industries like Boots and who discard their waste waters into sewers for treatment .
29 Those very rare instances where ‘ little crime ’ develops into ‘ real ’ police work are recounted by policemen often and told with pleasure and delight .
30 Rinse the slides again and stain with Giemsa .
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