Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [vb -s] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is a song in the repertoire of Scottish football fans which reflects unkindly on the character of those gallant heroes who have made untold sacrifices to represent their country .
2 So even if ministerial loyalties make it hard to admit it , he probably shares the apprehension which haunts many others as they contemplate this Bill : that though , at the end of the day , quantity will increase , quality will diminish ; or to put it in a form of words which trips easily off Conservative lips on other occasions — that More is going to mean Worse .
3 Knowesouth provides a locally based service for the population of the Eastern Borders which consists mainly of the towns of Jedburgh , Hawick and Kelso .
4 But as they gently mock the truth of their attachment they relapse into prose , which in their mouths lacks many of the anti-romantic , realistic , mocking connotations it has elsewhere in Shakespeare .
5 On windswept lonely Chesil Beach — that great ten mile long pile of pebbles which stretches westwards along the Dorset coast from Portland — one can still explore the pillboxes and anti-tank defences which were built in 1940 to resist the threat of invasion .
6 Law is a set of universal rules which applies equally to all , and represents rational — legal authority in society , as formulated by its duly chosen political elites .
7 The male DNA , on the other hand , now produces a relatively complex pattern of amplification products which contrasts significantly with that obtained with female DNA .
8 In some areas it goes further in its handling of Stalinism than the conventional wisdom in the Soviet media , and certainly than official party spokespeople have done .
9 Additionally , in many areas it runs parallel to power cabling .
10 Where the Huarache excels is in combining light weight ( at 270 grams it competes comfortably as a racer/trainer ) with stability .
11 I feel that in some senses it becomes almost about a certain strain of purity — that we would rather have a demonstration of 50 people on maybe a fuller , total political programme , than we would a demonstration of 50,000 people on maybe more limited aims but nevertheless political aims that we do feel carry us forward , but which could draw into activity a broader range of people .
12 When the law imposes obligations it does so by seeking to balance conflicting claims .
13 This is one of the reasons she works well with tasks she has to achieve on her own .
14 Rather , it will denote a general mode of thought , an orientation — an orientation towards Jesus and his teachings which derives ultimately from the original Nazarean position , as articulated by Jesus himself , then propagated by James , Jude or Judas Thomas and their immediate entourage .
15 Now I have to tell you that last year we raised a hundred and thirteen million pounds and of that over ninety per cent , that 's a hundred and four million pounds were actually spent on projects for children and I 'm very proud of that ratio indeed and I think it ought to give you , the raisers of money , a great deal of comfort because for a fund with two headquarters buildings which operates all over the world this is a distribution of funds of which to be proud .
16 Although some poems , especially her essays , suggest that she is also looking toward a wider audience , in the vast majority of poems she speaks specifically to some woman she knows .
17 ‘ He looks better , it 's true , but some days he eats nothing at all , and other days he eats just like a healthy boy .
18 Most years it flowers again in July .
19 The Prime Minister has told the Conservative Party Conference that the things he cares most about are stability at home and in Europe , Education , and Britain 's long-term economic strength .
20 In his diaries he looks forward to future success , but it was his artistic success that he sought before financial security .
21 The tribe is a natural social umbrella assuring security in society : ‘ Because of its traditions it guarantees collectively to its members the payment of ransom and compensation as well as defence and vengeance : in other words , social protection ’ ( HI , ‘ Merits of the tribe ’ ) .
22 The east end was altered in mid-twelfth century by an early chevet design with turrets and flying buttresses which blends admirably with the earlier work ( 264 ) .
23 One of the enduring terms which speaks directly to the academic culture is that of the ‘ community of scholars ’ .
24 David Lee has provided a textbook for undergraduates which focuses primarily on the " world-view " of texts .
25 To the extent the seller uses it to manufacture stock for the buyer ahead of any orders he does so at his own risk .
26 In this speech , Simon has recourse to the theories of the Russian Formalist school of criticism to support many of the arguments he puts forward on behalf of the inherently political viability of a formalist aesthetic .
27 To the home bodies he comes across as a good father , a man who always helps his daughter with her homework .
28 The calyx ( or joined calyces ) then continue into a stalk or pedunculus of nerve fibres which ends deep in the brain by a complicated root system composed of a recurrent alpha-lobe , a beta-lobe and sometimes even a third gamma-lobe .
29 One of the teachers who comes regularly with groups of children is a well-dressing expert from Eyam in Derbyshire , and first dressed a well at the farm in 1980 .
30 Agassi is , like Becker one of those players who plays straight from the heart , and unless he sorts out what stops him taking winning opportunities — on an emotional as well as technical level — he may never fulfil his incredible potential .
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