Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] can [be] seen " in BNC.

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1 They have been the nucleus of several hundred self-employed artisans manufacturing these bicycle attachments who can be seen on open sites across Nairobi .
2 Increasingly in some areas it can be seen that settlement sites occupied in the Roman period continued through post-Roman times to form the basic framework of medieval and modern villages and hamlets .
3 Polished metal looks as smooth and featureless as glass to the naked eye but , unlike glass , it is a crystalline material ; it solidifies as a network of tiny grains which can be seen if the metal is etched with a dilute acid and examined under a microscope ( fig. 5.11a ) .
4 Examples of odd-toes and even-toed ungulates which can be seen in the park .
5 The latter , named Pooldhooie , is the only one of the buildings which can be seen today as the Bispham Conservative Club , the others have been demolished in 1983 for a Sainsbury 's store .
6 The development of an approach stating that the functionality of an item can be mapped on the geometric domain , leads naturally to the inverse argument that the domains themselves can be seen as logical spaces .
7 A private garden for the use of hotel patrons runs down the water 's edge and there is a wonderful view of the Sea of Moyle stretching beyond to the shores of Scotland and the Western Isles which can be seen on clear days .
8 From these three major sources it can be seen that rape and sexual assault are very rarely the subject of investigative journalism outside of some judicial context .
9 Though the panther 's coat looks totally black , in certain lights it can be seen to be patterned with even darker spots .
10 From the curves it can be seen that there is a rapid change in log over a narrow range of temperature corresponding to the glass transition .
11 From the junction conditions it can be seen that , in this case , these functions necessarily take the forms : .
12 However , compared with the 1989 figures it can be seen that these industries are not without their difficulties .
13 The only details which can be seen in these blustery conditions are the two figures battling against the elements .
14 The district has been national finalists in the Britain in Bloom contest in the last four years and this has been achieved by the magnificent floral displays which can be seen throughout the summer months in our area .
15 The character or reputation a person has amongst his fellows is partly a product of his own efforts at self-presentation , partly an ascription to him by others on the basis of their readings of his life performances , partly in situations which can be seen as occasions of hazard .
16 With these coordinates it can be seen that the Schwarzschild mass parameter , which is unity in the line elements ( 10.51 ) and ( 10.53 ) , is here related to the amplitudes of the approaching waves by .
17 In fact , in some ways it can be seen that the more capable the NHS is of meeting demand , the greater the demand is likely to be .
18 Both these methods leave very characteristic helical seams which can be seen on examples of wires made by the two methods in Figure 8.6a and b , taken from genuine antiquities .
19 From the spectra it can be seen that the intensity of the β-peak relative to the α-peak is much stronger in the dielectric response compared with the mechanical measurements .
20 Two of the stars in the Square point downward to Fomalhaut in Piscis Australis , which is the southernmost of the first-magnitude stars to be visible from Britain ; from South England and New York latitudes it can be seen easily enough , but from North Scotland it barely rises .
21 Insect damage is usually fairly evident — the physical damage can be seen , the creatures themselves can be seen , and even those that hide or run away cause tell-tale signs that can be noticed and recognized .
22 From these values it can be seen that , as with the bigram results , the Marshall equation again produces the best results .
23 The Hortons added on to the mill house , and during Elizabeth 's reign they made extensive gabled additions which can be seen best on the east façade .
24 From these results it can be seen that the Marshall formula produces the best formula to use for bigrams and the least successful is the simple frequency count of tag transitions .
25 In conclusion to this section on depositional fabrics it can be seen that a considerable amount of information can be gained from petrographic studies which can be used to supplement field studies and gain insight into the origins of the sediment .
26 His latest project ‘ The Duchess of Sutherland ’ , which is a copy of the full size engines and has so far taken him three years to build is just one of the engines which can be seen .
27 Psychologically , the dark side of this individualism entails an emotional remoteness from others which can be seen in the limited expression of empathy and in the fragility and insecurity of many marriage relationships .
28 Using the quotation for BP options it can be seen that the 220p calls are in-the-money as the security price is 237p .
29 The extreme realism in this tragic adventure ( realism , that is , in the sense of a deliberate emphasis on the unpleasant aspect of adventure ) constitutes a reaction against the essentially optimistic approach to violent events which can be seen in many other branches of adventure-story .
30 Freud shares what can be seen as the main element in the sociological imagination , that is , to see what is regarded as commonplace action in a particular society , at particular points in time , as being itself in need of some explanation .
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