Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] had been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 During the previous six months I had been able to keep a more watchful eye on the whereabouts of the elusive Charlie , thanks to the help of a young officer Daphne had introduced me to who worked in the War Office .
2 A generation later the political opportunities which had been available in the middle of the fifth century were closed , but equally the restrictions of the 470s had lifted .
3 They were also helped into their new home by a team of volunteers who took on the task of cleaning the offices which had been empty for some time .
4 As the DGM was later to point out ‘ The 45 per cent included the revenue which I had negotiated for transfer to other districts which had been dependent on Horton and Banstead .
5 The motif of the yoke was originally the emblem of Isabella of Castile , Mariana 's distant predecessor , who had been responsible for sending Columbus on his first transatlantic voyage in 1492 ; in other words she had been responsible for initiating the whole colonial process ( Fig. 12 ) .
6 To quote the same news report : ‘ Supporters who had been fierce rivals seconds before when Don Gillies fired in an 80th minute equaliser for Bristol , suddenly joined in a combined celebration .
7 Blackberry , the rabbit with tipped ears who had been startled by Fiver the night before , had listened carefully to Hazel 's description of the notice board , remarking that he had always felt sure that men left these things about to act as signs or messages of some kind , in the same way that rabbits left marks on runs and gaps .
8 The Soviet authorities had no reason to take any interest in the fate of a handful of foreign invaders when over twenty million of their own people had been killed , while as for the Italians , it had suddenly become clear that they had in fact been anti-Fascists to a man all along and could hardly be expected to sympathize with the relatives of those few fanatics who had been rash enough to fight for the despised Duce .
9 From the 11th century , such events had been popular for about 500 years but over the centuries there had been great changes to the ways in which they had been conducted .
10 In recent months there had been numerous incidents , in Armenia and the disputed Nagorny Karabakh enclave within Armenia , in which Armenian militants ambushed troops and raided police stations to capture weapons [ for worst such incident , in Yerevan in May , see p. 37462 ] .
11 A statement by the provisional government of Eritrea on Aug. 1 said that over 82,000 prisoners of war and former government officials , and over 43,000 of their relatives , had been repatriated from Eritrea ; it said that in view of severe food shortages it had been impossible to feed them .
12 At the same time she could n't help but wonder about the fact that in the space of twelve months he had been involved in three relationships , Anna Wallace , Amanda Knatchbull and herself , any one of which could have ended in marriage .
13 For some while he had suffered from phlebitis and several times in the previous months he had been unable to speak at meetings .
14 British academic institutions which had been involved in satisfying Elena Ceauşescu 's desire for recognition by her colleagues handled their embarrassment with little aplomb after Christmas 1989 .
15 Two of these — Yoh Kurosawa , president of the IBJ , the country 's most prestigious bank , and Toru Hashimoto , of the Fuji Bank — represented institutions which had been involved in the Tokyo Shinkin scandal [ see above ] .
16 The effect of the war was , as in many other industries , to force government , employers and unions in shipping to face and to solve as best they could , many problems of relationships and jurisdictions which had been simmering , and from time to time erupting , for many years .
17 The Spanish-owned companies which had been involved in ‘ quota-hopping ’ challenged the 1988 Act on the grounds that it contradicted Community law .
18 Focus on the two-party system , the growing strength of the organized working-class and the gradual decline of the big single-issue movements which had been such a central feature of the mid-Victorian political scene were visible signs of this transformation .
19 Now he had to face cares and obligations which had been unknown to him before ; and the beginning of his cares lay in the stern discipline of the study of books .
20 The immediate problem lay in Aquitaine , where some of the nobles who had been close to the defunct Pippin I , had refused to accept the " disinheritance " of Pippin 's son and instead recognised him as their king .
21 Whether or not the directors themselves had been negligent was not in issue , but it is suggested that a finding to that effect would have been more problematical .
22 Yet Haig was hugely confident ; so confident , in fact , that his enthusiasm engulfed even those of his subordinate commanders who had been critical of the undertaking .
23 It had felt like a game of hide-and-seek , and Shiona , though at times she had been terrified of losing him , had thoroughly enjoyed the drive .
24 For seven or eight years I had been aware of a growing numbness , first in the muscles of my right leg and later in those of my left , for which no doctor or specialist could find any adequate explanation .
25 He stated that he had later spoken to two observers who had been close to the ridge at the time of the accident , and they had apparently noticed that the wind had , momentarily , markedly increased in strength and had appeared to swirl up the hill towards the ridge , coincidental with the time that they saw the aircraft 's wing drop and the aircraft begin to descend .
26 His noble gesture appeased those churchmen who had been appalled by his early obstinacy over the archbishopric of Bourges .
27 This occurred despite the continuity of the catholic hierarchy in Northern Ireland and despite the war experience of those catholics who had been involved in the army .
28 He learned of the death of thousands of British troops who had been involved in a combined operation with the French against Kaiser Bill 's army .
29 However , the new central committee , enlarged to 267 members , retained almost all of its current members and in addition returned a number of hardliners who had been prominent during the rule of President Boumedienne ( 1965-78 ) .
30 For thirty-six years she had been convenient for this purpose .
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