Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] have [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 For all these reasons I have come to the conclusion , and I hold , that section 39 does override the injunction .
2 For these reasons I have come to the conclusion and I hold , that the banks have failed to bring their case within article 5(3) .
3 For these reasons I have come to the conclusion , and I hold , that the banks have failed to bring themselves within article 6(1) .
4 So er I ca n't think of any other resorts I 've turned to .
5 Now as regards signs I 've spoke to numerous , oh school holidays I 've got erm
6 three or four times I had to speak to him last night , and you never said a word , you just pretended or said you did n't hear
7 ‘ Well , like all the other times I 've spoken to you , I 'd like to be put through to Mr Roirbak . ’
8 six times I have returned to that country , demanding the past from the present , flogging my emotions , requiring of them , still , that freshness they once owed to novelty , and from year to year finding in my ageing desires rewards ever less vivid …
9 As we careered down towards South Wimbledon , I remembered other trips I 'd taken to church .
10 I turned it over , glanced at the Hungarian stamp , and read the few words I had scribbled to Stephanie , only three weeks earlier .
11 Crystal clear speech accompanies the swish graphics and 3D spacecraft in one of the best intros I 've seen to date .
12 Most of the limited company clients I have came to me because I am a registered auditor .
13 Just the sight of the stamp had been enough to set her heart beating uneasily and she had to fight down the urge to put off reading the words someone had written to her .
14 Ockleton 's mop of jet black hair , his apple-cheeked face and the spectacles which had slid to the end of his nose combined with a tattered gown and a skew-knotted tie to create an impression of immaturity entirely at odds with his voice .
15 Revocation of an objective regime would only be possible with the consent of all parties which had consented to the regime and ‘ have substantial interest in its functioning ’ .
16 He belonged to a family of immigrant Jews which had fled to a Glasgow tenement and a community of Yiddish-speakers within the city .
17 Thus in Europe , the mystical Kabbalism of Isaac Luria ( d. 1572 ) had a deep and enduring influence on the thought and spirituality of Jews which has persisted to the present day , even though it may seem far in spirit from the Talmud .
18 It will then suggest influences which have led to its reconsideration , finally looking towards future developments .
19 It means helping counsellees to become aware of repeating patterns of relationships which have led to unhappy situations throughout their lives and recognizing the part they themselves play in bringing about these recurring patterns .
20 Richard struggled stubbornly on , but the effective end of the civil war came on 13 July when William the Lion , King of Scots , was captured at Alnwick , just one day after as numerous chroniclers pointed out — Henry had done public penance for those hasty words which had led to Becket 's murder .
21 All the cards and calendars which had come to the house were arranged on the mantelpiece , and amongst them were little boxes of sweets and candied fruit and brightly hued crackers .
22 Gen. Dharsono , a former Secretary-General of the Association of South-East Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) , was an associate , but not a signatory , of the " Petition of 50 " movement of dissidents which had risen to prominence in 1984 with the publication of a " Save Democracy " pamphlet [ see pp. 33286-87 ] .
23 THANK you to the great many readers who have written to me in the past couple of weeks about the Royals .
24 Those readers who have applied to traditional funding organisations for support will know that their ideas will be subjected to independent ‘ peer ’ review ; that is , comments are invited ( often in secret ) from those working in related fields on the quality of the proposed research and its chances for success .
25 First-class writers can defy this rule-of-thumb , but anyone else doing so risks alienating readers who have come to them for a particular sort of entertainment .
26 Whereas in most databases you have to go to quite a lot of effort to create the linked structure , in Delta Five it is expected that your databases will have this structure , and you have to work quite hard not to conform !
27 At this time , the Christian factions within the Caliphates ( ex-slaves and captives who had risen to high office under Al-Mansur ) requested help from the Court of Castile .
28 Young enthusiasts drove across the border to join the freedom fighters who had appealed to the world to help , but the world in general looked on in anguished impotence as the rebels were extinguished .
29 His coup this time was to read a list , shortly before polling day , of Jews who had contributed to the campaign of his challenger , Mr Mel Reynolds .
30 After Sullivan left , he talk to Iranians who had come to the palace to see him , He said to the in wonderment , " Do you know what Sullivan has just said to me ?
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