Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] be [vb pp] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Several times I was given money to go to the chemist 's for bitter aloes or penny royal or a bottle of gin from the outdoor .
2 We pray for those of our brothers who are denied freedom of worship , and for those who suffer imprisonment because they have committed their lives to follow Jesus .
3 Words there are made flesh
4 A lot of people say that since Bailey had kids he 's become human . ’
5 In due course he moved , like Dominic , to Bologna , from whose schools he was promoted chamber clerk to Pope Honorius III before 1224 .
6 Redevelopment for industry and commerce may be acceptable as an alternative to leaving such sites unused , and health authorities which are refused planning permission are advised to appeal to the Minister .
7 I mean if you put your hand up to the sun you can feel it , you detect it , your eyes detect it , well you have detectors which detect them and , for example , if I want to detect something like an electron well then I can make a counter which is sensitive to charged particles like electrons , and I can allow these electrons to hit this counter and it will produce erm an identifiable electrical pulse and I can look at that and I can say this is an electron , or I can look at other particles , say , for things like helium nuclei which are called alpha particles , and I can make counters which will detect these and I can put a little piece of paper in front and I can stop off the alpha particles .
8 These are policies which are invested part in the with-profits fund and part in a range of unit-linked funds ( which resemble unit trusts ) .
9 And you can start on the new water tablets which are called Frusamide on Thursday .
10 develop informal ways of getting things done — ie. norms and rules which are different in character from the ‘ organisational manual ’ rules which are imposed organisation .
11 Within our society are groups which are called opinion formers because they influence the opinions of many other people .
12 Following the Act 's implementation , the proportion of defendants who were refused bail while awaiting summary trial declined for a time , and even though it rose thereafter , in 1999 it was still 1 per cent below the 1979 figure of 16 per cent .
13 Unlike contractors who are paid danger money , MoD civil servants are paid a flat wage ; their average take-home pay is just £120 a week .
14 In the last few hours she 's moved house , but we 'll find her .
15 A couple of times she 's sent money for Easter eggs and school photos .
16 Top : Joel helps Rita to make some pretty cone decorations which are sprayed gold and wired together
17 The second distinctive group covers the well known strip buildings which are set end-on to the road frontages , often in association with a range of specialized activities .
18 For several weeks we were denied access to our grandson .
19 So we read between the lines , take our own meanings from the books and films we are allowed access to and call it camp .
20 In the ensuing days there were repeated government claims of successes against rebel forces along the Uganda border .
21 The fragile democratic institutions of Weimar were not able to survive the sense of defeat , the recession and Hitler 's onslaught , and within fifteen years he was elected Chancellor .
22 Having clearly demonstrated his abilities he was appointed locomotive works manager at Swindon in 1895 , and two years later this job was combined with the position of chief assistant locomotive superintendent , with the intention that he should succeed William Dean , whose health was failing .
23 Values will tend to follow the development plans , and land which acquires a high development value will normally be land on which development will be permitted ; but there will be exceptions and it may be thought that to limit compensation in these cases will inflict hardship on owners who are refused permission to develop or whose land is bought compulsorily .
24 Between 1947 and 1952 he produced no less than 300 short films , many of them for the Canadian Government , and on these merits he was appointed Director of Outside Broadcasts , Features and Documentaries with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in 1952 .
25 These villages were settled by colonists who were given exemption from feudal obligations to the local Croatian nobility in return for their willingness to take up arms against the Turks .
26 The girls in question are Michelle and Lisa Taylor , two sisters who were given life sentences for murder earlier this year .
27 Curtis was one of those rare souls who are born detective sergeants and have no thought of ever being anything else .
28 What was witnessed by British troops , however , was the initial treatment by Tito 's partisans of the Croats surrendered around Bleiburg , including many civilians who were marched north-east through Austria towards the Yugoslav frontier near Lavamund .
29 Taylor pointed out one of the things about great players who are given freedom is that they work very hard , and Gascoigne is prepared to do that , even in the knowledge that he has been given a special licence .
30 By traditional I mean that it was founded on a growing interpretation of the past , not that tradition was swallowed hook , line and sinker — indeed , in some cases it was turned upside down — but always it was referred to , re-explained .
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