Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [vb mod] have have " in BNC.

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1 Having caught the left rough off the tee , she was shaping to hit the kind of second shot over trees and lakes which would have had Laura Davies drooling .
2 Any fears or doubts she might have had were immediately swept away by his overwhelming joy and pleasure .
3 And then the 7am BBC News announcement settled any remaining doubts we may have had .
4 Few in industry or the institutions believe that the way the financial institutions operate has deprived firms of funds they should have had , or has constrained investment .
5 You can also record the letters they suggest , and talk about them afterwards , how likely they were , whether they were pure guesswork or genuine predictions , which words they may have had in mind , etc .
6 As anyone but Richard himself might have predicted , the palpable , screaming existence of his daughter , Holly , assuaged whatever doubts he might have had about his readiness for parenthood .
7 Its shallow water formations include grainstones which must have had high primary porosity and permeability , and the sequence is also expected to contain dolomites .
8 Jonah , disliking the task for unexplained reasons which might have had something to do with a fear of being stoned to death by the partying Ninevites , ran away .
9 They included weapons , jewellery , and objects which may have had some symbolic significance , whether religious or royal .
10 Under other circumstances I 'd have had a snappy answer for her .
11 If you 'd invented a string of lovelorn swains you 'd have had to pay customer prices .
12 And whatever other effects it may have had , Communist rule meant that the country was immune to the MacDonalds culture which has swept away the individuality of so many countries .
13 ‘ If the Inns of Court had not controlled the professional conduct of the Bar , the judges themselves would have had to do so .
14 But whatever those proposals may be , schools now will have the opportunity of opting out , and I think it 's a fair guess that if the opting out legislation had been in place when comprehensive education was imposed upon this county in 1964 , you would probably have found a great number of the grammar schools would have opted out , using the legislation , and I have no doubt whatsoever that in every single one of those cases you would have had a large majority of parents in support of that .
15 If you work for between eight and 16 hours you will have to have worked for the same employer for at least five years to be eligible , and if you work for less than eight hours a week , you 'll lose these rights altogether .
16 To have an infinite number of pebbles you 'd have to have a rubber sheet that was more or less flat and just went on and on for ever .
17 It 's been an odd kind of fulfilment ; and it has quite knocked on the head all the priggish ideas I may have had , and given me a sense of values .
18 And we 've not had I I must say that over the years I might have had two cases perhaps when there 's been a query with regard to that in terms of packing .
19 There are many places which may have had galleries in the past , but without reliable references , Deeds , an old painting or some remains of original woodwork they have not been included , tempting though this would have been .
20 It would also have meant higher administrative costs which would have had to have been borne by charge payers .
21 Erm working at the same place for so many years you must have had ?
22 Not even the horrendous edit at track 3 , 3′10″ can detract from the splendours of a disc that completely overturns any ideas one might have had of this being Bruckner at his most jejune .
23 As to succeeding ‘ waves ’ , it would seem that curiosity and peer-group pressure , together with other social factors such as drug availability , overcame any reservations they might have had regarding addiction and withdrawal .
24 Er indeed the directive was promulgated as the minister said but I do n't think it was a bolt out of the blue , it was of course something that we around for some considerable time before that and of course that excuse hardly applies to the delay in establishing the European parliamentary constituency committees , er as the minister er will know very well , it was merely a matter of seven weeks , er the excuse being that had they had another seven weeks they could have had the public inquiry stage , the reality of course was that there was plenty of time to do this in good time and in good order and without the confusion that exists now er around the candidatures and the boundaries of the existing European boundaries .
25 Any expectations he may have had of inheriting a larger share of the Angevin Empire were fading fast .
26 However , the tribunal rejected the employer 's reasoning , holding that if such reason were to be valid after the appeals it would have had even greater validity before .
27 In the normal run of things I would have had no business there , no access .
28 Mind you , I earned that foreman 's job , but I did n't take it because I knew the problems I 'd have had with the men . ’
29 ‘ By rights I should have had compensation , but the firm argued that he was a freelance , working on contract , and their lawyers wriggled out of it .
30 ‘ All three of these witnesses are , it is fair to say without intending any disrespect to them , not educated persons in the sense that they are persons who would have had any experience of judging mental ability .
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