Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 At times I would give him more sedation than other times because of the course of the illness .
2 For example , if a person came to me suffering from rounded shoulders I might give him or her an instruction to ‘ think of your shoulders going away from each other ’ .
3 Styled ‘ the world 's naughtiest dinosaur ’ , Dilly has many unlovely characteristics which will make him especially appealing to children .
4 Or maybe he knew that the Mob had files of their own , that Meyer Lansky , the one-time bootlegger and now the gambling mogul , had pictures which could ruin him : Edgar and Clyde , for once unambiguously tangled .
5 Did you say he was in North Africa ? if we ca n't do anything about his legs we 'll give him a new head when he gets back .
6 ‘ So in about ten months we 'd have him out and around , or else what am I paying you for ? ’
7 In terms of motivating those around him Daley has no peer , and if when he finally hangs up his spikes they can convince him to go into coaching , he will be sensational .
8 As Cruising Altitude is at his very best and is favoured by the weights they will find him very difficult to beat .
9 Were he among familiars it might help him but as it is he can not place himself here and it is pitiful to see how lost he is .
10 A child at school must certainly be taught those skills which will enable him plausibly to seek and subsequently to hold down a job .
11 Becher is more concerned to develop ways of analysing the differences between disciplines which will allow him to explore their particular ‘ cultures ’ .
12 If he does sport independently , he has to concentrate on maintaining control over any associated reactions which could knock him off balance as he makes a physical effort .
13 " I 've got some tablets which might held him .
14 The small producer will be drawn into a socialised enterprise , not by means of non-economic coercion , but chiefly by the economic advantages which will provide him with a tractor , electric light bulbs , agricultural machinery and so on .
15 Once he has completed the tour of personal appearances which will take him to Newcastle , Leeds , Birmingham , Manchester and Cardiff , Lewis will , as usual , retreat to the mountains in Pennsylvania to train at altitude , play chess for recreation and focus his mind on performing the not inconsiderable feat of silencing King through the removal of his client .
16 He spent the holidays in England with any parents who would have him .
17 BABY Bogdan Ursu is out of hospital and living with foster parents who will nurse him back to health .
18 Dr. Briant must abandon his project and restore to this unhappy baby his birthright , the chance to grow up in a real home , with real parents who will love him as he deserves to be loved .
19 Arran convened his kin and friends , and all the other nobles who would support him , and asked for their backing against the cardinal .
20 If he thinks it advisable that the complainant should ask for an investigation by either of those other Commissioners he may inform him of the steps necessary to do so .
21 He wrote with her pen and kept the little envelope filled with notes she used to write him by his side .
22 Gould would also have angled for contacts who might help him with his prospective expedition .
23 What , we may ask Holt , happens to the child who , dissatisfied at home , seeks in vain for guardians who would suit him ?
24 Count Tolstoy is refusing to back down and says new evidence will emerge in the next few days which will vindicate him .
25 But also , he has available to him all the vast resources of libraries which can provide him with books , pamphlets , research reports , theses , journals , conference reports , and so on .
26 Whatever his motives , his experiment was made possible by the power he had to distribute land to the motley collection of individuals who would join him .
27 He ai n't putting them up is he take them down to Helen 's then some lovely decorations we 'll ask him for them Helen .
28 In a few days he would release him .
29 And if he has to pay costs it will ruin him . ’
30 Er , I er hope Councillor has got his pen ready because there are one or two things I 'd like him to mention to Virginia Bottomley and I would n't like him to forget them .
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