Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [vb base] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The music of two short pastorales which have some claim to be considered the earliest true operas in French has been lost .
2 Selling in bear markets to clients who have some inkling of it can be hell .
3 Oh , there 's a few wild lads who do some poaching .
4 The ghinocerous part about it is the mega-big way that Citizen Kane have put the title single of their first and latest album on the doorsteps for milk drinkers who want some rhythm and blues with breakfast , in a tape on offer with extra pintas .
5 Indeed , we can probably find some kind of research in progress in each of the 200 or more institutions which offer some kind of higher education in the UK .
6 For objects which need some thickness of metal , like ingots or axes , casting is the obvious method , while others , like fine wire or thin sheet metal , need extensive working .
7 ON August 25 , 1992 , in a report about the large amount of divorce legal costs , we inadvertently stated , due to a typographical error , that average costs of cases which take some time amounted to £250,000 , when the correct figure should be £25,000 .
8 Another question is whether the criminal law ought not to be wider in its application to activities which carry some risk of causing death than in other spheres .
9 ‘ Industrial democracy ’ on the other hand is a term which is generally taken to refer to particular practices of management already operating in certain capitalist economies ( e.g. West Germany ) or specific proposals such as those of the Bullock Committee ( Bullock , 1977 ) , practices and proposals which give some role to workers or their representatives in enterprise decision-making , but which are not necessarily linked to the overall social planning of the economy in the interests of working people .
10 There are , for instance , mnemonic devices in oral cultures which offer some resistance to this process : ‘ formalised patterns of speech , recital under ritual conditions , the use of drums and other musical instruments , the employment of professional remembrancers — all such factors may shield at least part of the content of memory from the transmuting influence of the immediate pressures of the present ’ ( 1968 , p. 31 ) .
11 For some years now solicitors ' firms have perceived benefits to be gained by forming associations which fall some way short of partnership .
12 They said look , if males can have greater reproductive success than females can , then parents who have some way of knowing that their offspring are gon na be particularly reproductively successful should invest in males , whereas if they have some way of knowing that their offspring are not gon na be particularly reproductively successful , they should invest in females .
13 She is looking for applicants who have some experience in child care and can be contacted today at Belfast 629274 , or at the same number from May 29 to June 1 .
14 Preference will be given to applicants who have some proficiency in the Japanese language .
15 The ego ideal of young children is based on those closest to them , usually the parents , and later on other educators and youth workers who have some resemblance to the parents .
16 Leaving their nest-holes they have some way to go before the sea can provide them with a refuge .
17 To hide their clear outlines they need some kind of disruptive markings .
18 If we work extra hard for our employers we expect some kind of reward in return .
19 Consequently , the pattern of dividend payouts for firms which follow some target may resemble a ratchet effect which is only broken when the firm 's performance is bad for several consecutive periods .
20 In the present case , we all of us suffer from numerous false beliefs which have some role in our inferential processes , and so on this suggestion none of our present true justified beliefs would count as knowledge .
21 However , there are some cases decided since Fleet Street Casuals which throw some light on the issue .
22 As James Tobin pointed out in his comments on the Coen and Hickman paper , a feature of their approach which exposes it to criticism from those macroeconomists who accept some variant of the NAIRU hypothesis is that it lacks a coherent explanation of the relationship between unemployment , be it Keynesian , classical or some mixture of the two , and inflation .
23 If you just make random proteins a hundred amino acids they have some kind of catalytic activity — not much , but some .
24 Are there any of your objectives which require some action this side of marriage ?
25 A surprising number have tales which suggest some form of ‘ activity ’ , almost as if they were alive , a strange thing on the surface , as stones are the archetype of solid , unmoving form .
26 The evidence for the working of government is equally slight , but there are recurrent features which allow some insight into the organization of the kingdoms .
27 ‘ We want to generate a market from practitioners who see some value in going somewhere to learn something , ’ says John Warwick .
28 Whilst we recognise that planning guidance should not be too prescriptive in terms of retail floorspace limits , we think that local planning authorities should set guidance limits which reflect some estimate of the environmental capacity of the plan area .
29 These are taken-for-granted groupings which assume some form of unity within each category without ever clearly identifying the source of this unity .
30 For example , they may force the potentially inefficient firms either to join them in adopting cost-saving innovations which involve some disruption of current working practices , or to go to the wall .
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