Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [vb base] [pers pn] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 P.P.S I see they 've been feeding Mark H on the raw meat again : - ) ) ) How did ‘ Antiscum United ’ go on over the weekend by the way ? ?
2 We invented this game after investigating the latest scientific research into pheromones , the sex hormones which help us find and identify our partners .
3 Looking back on that visit , as I sometimes do , I find it difficult to reconcile the warm , charming and amusing hostess who spared the time to entertain us that day with the latter-day basso profundo screecher of the House of Commons and the earnest , ingratiating gusher of numerous television interviews ( performances which make me dream wistfully of the old saw , ‘ In the ideal society politics should be as unobtrusive as drains ’ ) .
4 Think of the other goals you see him score , the ones that are born of a deftness of touch .
5 After many months they let me free .
6 Now , the thing about those two words what do you think , stereo isomers is all about , without actually saying a specific type of isomer ?
7 Erm , I do n't think we 've got any at the moment cos mum 's just gone to the shops What do you want for tea Lisa ?
8 Now Mill accepts that representative democracy can be as bad as Russo supposes it is , but there are aspects of Mill 's views which make him sound very much like Russo as well .
9 First there are the hypnotics which help you sleep and the stimulants which wake you up .
10 what about what about the parents who let it go on ?
11 Now then the way that you categorize countries what do I mean categorize ?
13 For four weeks I let it lie on my desk , unwilling to take the final step .
14 Some old people have ill-fitting dentures which make them change to a ‘ soft ’ diet of bread , jam , cakes , biscuits , tinned puddings , and other convenience foods which do not supply all their dietary requirements .
15 Moving down you 'll find a hotplate with two large spillage wells , four sealed burners which are easy to remove and two large removable pan supports which help you slide food from burner to burner .
16 To understand what is happening it is crucial to see Marxism not in the guise which it claims for itself — namely a scientific method — but as an ideology — a set of beliefs and ideas which help us interpret the world and provide a basis for action — which is a substitute for the religious vacuum left by the decline of Christianity in the West .
17 There is no straight humour in the book , but there are places which make you want to laugh .
18 You may not always do just what friends tell you , but they are the sounding boards who let you know how far to go .
19 When you 've lived on subsistence for two years what do you do when your shoes wear out , when you get a £100 fuel bill , when the washing machine breaks down , when a pair of children 's shoes cost you more than you 'd spend on your own ?
20 If such ventures encourage better design for older people , they will undoubtedly banish practices which are unhelpful to most people , whatever their age : power points on skirting boards , washing machines which make you bend double to get the washing out , videorecorder cabinets which mean crawling around on the floor to put on tapes — all three are candidates for design improvements .
21 But it does mean clarifying what we truly want out of life — defining the Dreams which make us tingle with aliveness — and making those dreams come true .
22 More recently , industrial contaminants such as polychlorinated biphenyls ( PCBs ) have accumulated in the liver and kidneys of pilot whales in quantities which make them unfit for human consumption .
23 This self-selection process ensures that the Community Relations Branch attracts people with enthusiasm and the necessary personal qualities which make them enjoy work with youngsters , and not one member of the Community Relations Branch we encountered in Easton and elsewhere expressed anything other than pleasure and enjoyment from working with youngsters .
24 XTree Gold has a mass of file viewers which let you look at your data in its native format .
25 What is generally and inherently good about getting true beliefs is that they 're useful , in the following sense : truth is that property of our beliefs which ensures that the actions they make us perform will succeed .
26 But it is n't just the discipline , it 's the type of things they make you aim for .
27 Most of what local authorities do is in a sense not really party politically controversial because they 've got because most of the things they do they 've got to do , they 're mandated to do .
28 Just knowing the size and the weight is n't , you might , that 's alright , that 's only for the price what 's in it is vital because if I asked the sales people from their top ten major customers what do you carry for them ?
29 and out of that thirty thousand pounds what do you have to pay out ?
30 What are its features I hear you ask ?
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