Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [vb past] [adv] be " in BNC.

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31 By the end of the century , quite a few of the less skilled operations in the paper and print sector were being handled by women : machine-feeding , paper-ruling and folding ; manufacture of boxes , cartons , bags and labels ; and in bookbinding , operations which had gradually been downgraded from " skilled " to " semi-skilled " , such as stitching and collating , were largely being carried out by women .
32 I was logging the cache petrol bombs which had n't been inspected for evaporation recently when the phone went .
33 Tate left a number of finished canvases which had never been shown and Edwin decided to release them at the rate of one a year through Ismay Gorton 's , the London gallery which handles his work .
34 As a result of these disputes , Charles gained possession of a number of Istrian coastal cities which had originally been under the rule of Constantinople .
35 Indeed many of the disagreements of the following years seem to be associated with cities which had once been held by Charibert , and this was to hold true even after the murder of Sigibert , since lands which he had acquired in 567 became bones of contention between his son , Childebert II , and Guntram .
36 It was easy enough to find Victorian and Edwardian houses which had not been changed a jot , but with houses of earlier periods it became increasingly difficult .
37 Also featured were wall dividers which had previously been seen in ‘ The Keys of Marinus ’ .
38 The Commission reserved anti-trust powers under the Treaty of Rome to investigate mergers which had already been approved by an individual member state .
39 Scott J said that the distinction lay in whether the parties would have been prepared to allow the matter to be decided on the basis of views which had not been formulated .
40 Finally , he threw up slides showing the improvements which had already been achieved over the last three months .
41 Witnesses to the Select Committee on Venereal Disease , 1867 testified to the environmental and sanitary improvements which had already been adopted .
42 All of the five main roads which passed through were blocked somewhere along it .
43 The shoes I had on were white plastic trainers in need of polish .
44 The then Chairman of the Housing Committee was to be a leading member of ‘ Labour against Militant ’ and crucial decisions , including this one , were usually remitted from the full Housing Committee to a smaller Housing Committee Working Group which met privately and was given the task of disposing of 25 sites which had originally been reserved for council house or Housing Association use , but were to be sold , used for Partnership or HELP schemes , or used for equity shares .
45 At its most blatant , posts which had once been the preserve of dons from Oxford or Cambridge were now given to businessmen .
46 The director of immigration — who had already received $150 a head for the landing permits which had not been honoured — suggested to the shipping line a fee of $250,000 to help get decree number 937 rescinded .
47 Snow was settling thickly on the raw earth , now , and on the blacker areas which had already been topsoiled .
48 Erm I think bro broadly , certainly by the time you 've got through to the later spring th th there is y yes I mean i in a sense there are sort of three areas if you like but , but very broadly the areas which had not been taken over yet i is very much a slower process of consolidation and then you wait for the next rule .
49 Areas which had previously been central to the stealing networks were affected .
50 By touring South Africa , one third of tour proceeds will be spent on developing rugby in those areas which had previously been disadvantaged .
51 However , the Party organization was increasing its effectiveness and recruiting members in areas which had previously been weakly organized .
52 Regeneration of forest clearly occurred in the post-Roman period — but it was regeneration over areas which had either been managed woodland or arable ( Fig. 92 ) .
53 In Portadown and Cookstown , RUC officers were driven out of their homes in areas which had once been safe because they were loyalist .
54 All over the world , as I had observed on my travels for Panorama and TRI , countries which had long been administered by others were hoisting their own colours ; everywhere the idea of new-born nationhood was in the air .
55 There particularly , a number of communities which had only been partially viable now began to disintegrate .
56 The Rano Raraku moais are taller than any of the statues which had actually been transported to and erected on ahus .
57 In practice these were the two main elements of the development officer 's service ; but there were two additional important elements which had not been fully foreseen : direct support from the development officers to clients and their relatives , and the monitoring of clients ' situations over time .
58 Within a mere twenty years of the murder of Valentinian III the Romans had accustomed themselves to new political circumstances , and the barbarian rulers had taken over many of the duties which had formerly been exercised by provincial governors as well as military leaders .
59 The EC Communications and Telecommunications Ministers agreed on Dec. 8 , 1989 , on a programme to deregulate and liberalize the remaining areas of the EC market in telecommunications which had not been covered by earlier agreements ( see p. 36494 ) , voting to deregulate value-added telephone services by April 1 , 1990 ( with transitional concessions to Spain , Portugal and Greece ) , and to extend the ruling to packet-switching and circuit-switching services by the start of 1993 .
60 ‘ . When the signatories said that he or she would be prepared to enter into a deed to formalise the situation , they were not postponing the legal effect of the document or reserving a final view but merely saying that they would be willing to do so if required , ie record in a more formal way the transactions which had already been made .
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