Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [adv] went to " in BNC.

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1 Like she was high , not on booze or pills but some of that good mellow shit that used to go the rounds at the first dinner parties I ever went to , at Liza 's place , when the world was young and lovable .
2 Last year 's , th the f the first stockings I ever went to was brilliant , they had Right Said Fred live
3 An even greater criticism is that the vast sums spent should have been spent elsewhere , especially in missionary efforts among the growing number of Englishmen who never went to church or chapel .
4 Barely twelve people , and those good pious souls who never went to the cinema anyway .
5 Children who never went to school at all would pick up quite a lot of immediately useful knowledge ; from television and radio , moreover , they might acquire quite a lot of not obviously useful , relatively esoteric bits of information , about history , for example , or natural history .
6 I 've met old men who never went to sea .
7 Of course , there were always the others who never went to school , who never declared themselves , but lived out their lives very privately , avoiding the school officer , the rent man , the army , and sometimes even prison .
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