Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [noun pl] [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 The governor had other officials whose posts entitled them to sit in his executive council , but although they might have looked like potential ministers the legislative assemblies could not use them to control the governor and , as the governor had no automatic right to dismiss his councillors , he could not use them as his ministers either .
2 Conversely , Goody himself recognises that ‘ In non-literate society … there are usually some individuals whose interests lead them to collect , analyse and interpret the cultural tradition in a personal way ’ and the work of his fellow anthropologists is ample testimony to the variation and potential for challenge in non-literate societies .
3 Be wary of some people in high places whose duties involved them in prolific correspondence .
4 The disciplines of sociology and philosophy are threatened by Mannheim 's proposals since , in his account , they are the formal and scientific disciplines whose topics mean they are the most likely to be affected by non-theoretical factors .
5 Managers whose consciences tell them that service users ought to have a voice often choose just one articulate , recovered , temporary recipient of the service as a token single voice of the mental health planning committee , where this lone individual often feels at a serious disadvantage , confused by professional jargon and out of his or her depth in the complex and confusing world of statutory agency planning .
6 Assistant Company Secretary Dr Jean MacDonald recently conducted two seminars at Hunterston for managers whose responsibilities involve them with contractors and sub-contractors .
7 Bicycle riders are exposed and vulnerable , and when they are involved in accidents their machines give them virtually no protection .
8 Bicycle riders are exposed and vulnerable , and when they are involved in accidents their machines give them virtually no protection .
9 Jobs should go to the young , single people who really need them , not the married mums whose children need them .
10 ‘ It was a brutal and cowardly attack on wretched creatures whose offences placed them at the bottom of the prison heap , ’ he said .
11 For she was one of those born failures as a disciplinarian , one of those teachers whose classes know they can do anything they want .
12 But Val said them children them children have they manipulate her .
13 They claimed that records of tests which nurses said they carried out on Mrs Bennett had gone missing from the Royal , and details of her case presented to the coroner differed from what they had been told .
14 Hard nosed grifters ( ‘ Do n't Start Me Talking ’ ) , streetwise honkies ( ‘ Born With The Blues ’ ) and dudes whose women left 'em lean , mean and dangerous ( everything else ) .
15 Why are statistics not kept of trainees whose employers give them full-time jobs later ?
16 Various doctors have described cases of children whose parents believe them to have food sensitivity , but where no consistent reaction to a food can be shown .
17 Ethnic minority elders The triple jeopardy of those from ethnic minority groups , discussed in Chapter 3 extends to those elders whose families find they are unable to care for them .
18 And when officers went into a tent they found Peter Jones inside with over £300 in cash in his pockets and drugs which police claim they saw him drop .
19 More cubs will be reared by cheetahs whose genes equip them with the optimum compromise between running speed , milk production and all the other calls on their budget .
20 In those circumstances , training programmes must take account of the training needs and welfare of employees whose duties require them to use physical restraint alongside interpersonal skills .
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