Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [modal v] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 In most primary schools certain teachers have , or can acquire , special strengths which ought to be made available , on a rational division of labour , to children outside their class and to their colleagues .
2 English court procedure at present gives no rights of intervention to third parties ; and it might be argued that if they were significantly extended , this would increase even further the role of the courts in resolving disputes which ought to be settled by political , not legal , means .
3 He was sent on teaching practice to Cowbridge Grammar School , one of those small country grammar schools which used to be the glory of Wales .
4 I affirm it to have been a fine active stock of books which ought to be available in any good library service …
5 Thus , for centuries it used to be thought that even if a woman expressed her lack of consent in every way within her power , if she conceived as a result of the intercourse , she must in fact have consented .
6 I said " the words he ought to be able to spell " .
7 Not just truth-telling , but sincerity ; not just intelligibility , but empathy ; these are values which ought to be taken on board .
8 It enables a voice to be given to interest groups which ought to be heard and , possibly , even exercise influence but which otherwise would lack a sufficient say in the affairs of the nation .
9 In summary , we can say that public law rules and principles ( including the rules of judicial review ) ought to apply to the exercise ( or non-exercise ) of public functions ; and that public functions are functions which ought to be subject to public law controls .
10 Recently some areas which used to be moorland have been enclosed and ploughed , mainly on Exmoor .
11 The railway had come from Belfast in 1842 , the original station having been at Seagoe and some will still recall the old sidings which used to be near the signal-box there .
12 They can help to identify which companies you ought to be looking at , they may have a database of relevant information , and if you are looking at information-gathering from a number of companies they can save you time and effort if they do the legwork .
13 But the hoppers they used to be , er two hoppers we had two of them hoppers , we had the er one called the
14 And what use is it to provide more and more high-performance cultural facilities ( an unpleasing phrase ) if the artists who ought to be benefiting from them are lacking ?
15 You have needs which ought to be filled and — ’
16 Chicherin believed not only that serfdom was immoral but also that it was acting as a brake on the economy , that it could not be justified as a bastion against pauperism , and finally — a somewhat unusual argument — that it entailed the improper transference to the gentry of responsibilities which ought to be exercised by the state .
17 Yes , he says , he does meet fellow Vietnamese workers who used to be in Germany but , no , they do not discuss politics .
18 After 16 years you ought to be fluent in the language and , if you make this a priority now , you 'll be enhancing this phase of your life instead of simply waiting for it to pass .
19 Well in them days everybody used to be in anyway , there was no question .
20 There 's a lot of emphasis these days about individuals growing as individuals , but are you really saying that because women are obviously individuals they ought to be given the opportunity of growing in a way that they could only do if they had jobs ?
21 In his pre-sponsorship days he used to be known as ‘ the surfer who lived in a car ’ ; in France he had a tent on the beach .
22 I think , therefore , that as Anglicans we ought to be affirming more confidently than we usually do the freedom this gives to the mind , the heart and the body to be an integrated whole .
23 The way I see it — if I had saved the world from a lot of boring belly dancers I ought to be congratulated .
24 When this is translated into personal terms , it means among other things that at some point in his or her career a teacher will have to look at its pattern and will have to pay attention to changes which ought to be made in his or her work-role .
25 He said , ‘ It is possible to bypass the censor which normally filters the impulses deriving from our subconscious , and let out things which ought to be kept in .
26 The problem is that there is no satisfactory way of drawing a line between decisions of corporate managers which ought to be respected because they are based solely on the expertise of the directors and those which should be challenged as based on personal considerations or other non-corporate purposes .
27 Yes , you 're comparative performances as investigators will , well even that should n't differ all that much because those that have got Sarah available to them those are the teams who ought to be capable of concentrating more on their stage two work , should n't they ?
28 And they were like that and then of course they used to be er no washing machines you used to be at these here tubs .
29 This was an insensitive remark , and Ayling shamed her by suggesting that the things one ought to be able to do were often impossible .
30 I would suggest that initially one of the things we ought to be doing is making approaches to the private sector through their organisations where they exist and say , look we really have to begin to get into the kind of discussions that you have been talking about earlier between health and social work ; health , social work and the voluntary side to talk about the issues of planning and the issues of quality and the issues of the form and shape of services and what sort of developments are acceptable in client-need terms and what are not acceptable .
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