Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [verb] not go " in BNC.

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1 So in other words you do n't go out that door without a decision .
2 So in other words you do n't go to the caravan .
3 that 's our home produce snakes and ladders it does n't go on too much , it only goes up to number thirty
4 Is it not true — as my hon. Friend the Member for Bradford , South ( Mr. Cryer ) pointed out — that as much public money goes to one CTC , to which parents who have not gone through the normal process will have access , as to all the other schools in the area , and that it goes there at the same rate ?
5 His policy of moving towards a more liberal regime led to the usual situation which such changes produce , that is , for the reformers he did not go far enough , for the conservatives he went too far .
6 Nutley ( 1982 ) , analysing these data , suggests that decline may have proceeded mainly by frequency reductions which have not gone as far as complete closures .
7 and do n't and particularly these days they do n't go , seem to have all that much interest in doing so do they ?
8 For weeks he tried not to go near it , but he could not stay away from it for long .
9 Thank heavens it did n't go on my purple top !
10 I do n't think they 're every twelve minutes there has n't gone an eighteen up yet .
11 Now now then Geoff we do n't go to Nottingham to look at trees we do n't go to Nottingham to look at the countryside we go to see the shops and spend money .
12 Apart from what might constitute these culinary delights it has not gone unremarked that karate and bonsai are both parts of the culture of Japan .
13 In most cases they did not go far or , if they did , the paths from their region to the city had been well-trodden by kinsmen and neighbours , like the hawkers and seasonal building workers who had long been in the habit of coming up to Paris from central France , whose numbers grew with the constructional work of Paris until , after 1870 , they turned from seasonal into permanent migrants .
14 Both the housing department and housing associations had helped with accommodation , and the social work team had started luncheon clubs and drop in centres for people with learning disabilities who did not go to day centres .
15 To meet new people meant a lot to me because those of my Fontanellato friends who had not gone to school in Parma had already started work .
16 ‘ Because we are world champions we do n't go out and take as many risks .
17 I , the only one of his children who had not gone on to the stage , had inherited the famous Breakspear eyes , the Breakspear height , the Breakspear cheekbones , the brooding Breakspear presence that my father had used to break the hearts of unnumbered women .
18 The testers might have got a clue from this that such a question was entirely artificial , constructed out of test situations and irrelevant to children who did not go to school and so were not used to being exposed to such tests .
19 During the 1940s and 1950s , when the concept of ‘ maternal deprivation ’ was growing in popularity and links were being made between it and juvenile delinquency , Professor Zweig still found National Assistance officials ready to label the widow with school-age children who did not go out to work as an ‘ inferior type ’ and a ‘ professional ’ widow .
20 I want us to think for a moment about the rights and needs of all those millions of children who do not go to school , who are invisible because very often development programmes tend to ignore er their needs .
21 There are children who do n't go to school — the national figures are that roughly 150,000 children do not attend school in the primary school age group .
22 finish that whenever no no hospitals you do n't go anywhere near hospitals .
23 About one in three claims which do not go to a hearing are dropped by applicants .
24 And the swarm of people flowed down the path , stumbling on stones where a burn ran in winter or after thunderstorms , between the silvery wands of rowans with their clusters of blood-drops and the quivering tapestry of the alders , down into the Tay which ran from the west like molten iron , too flashing bright to look at , and over the Tay , wet to the waist ; the girls and boys who had not gone home were prancing and shrieking when they fell full length .
25 Those students who do not go on to do postgraduate degrees in Social Anthropology may enter a wide range of occupations and professions , both nationally and internationally .
26 In the past , students who did n't go for Highers tended to get a ‘ pick and mix ’ of modules and short courses .
27 Two upper floors together accommodate nearly 2,200 men , each having his numbered place with table , while adjacent staff premises contain steam ovens , tea and coffee brewing and usual appliances for meeting the needs of those workmen who do not go home for meals during the day .
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