Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [verb] [adv] much " in BNC.

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1 Both of these activities I enjoyed very much , but maths was a torture !
2 But also I just do n't like the songs I write as much , usually .
3 The Luttrell Psalter of 1338 illustrates a watermill complete with eel traps which look very much as if they have been made out of pliant willow stems .
4 She had been disappointed that he showed no love of the poetry and books which meant so much to her , only reading about industrial history and dry facts and figures .
5 In some respects there seems not much room for argument about our conception of standard effects and their causal circumstances .
6 It 's hard now to see how The Shamen will keep the club vibe going in the stadiums they will undoubtedly end up playing , how Colin will avoid the rock postures he hates so much .
7 And with or without his full quota of words he makes as much noise as anyone in what is a rather riotous production .
8 And with or without his full quota of words he makes as much noise as anyone in what is a rather riotous production .
9 One teacher believed that the guidelines themselves demanded too much information of a descriptive kind :
10 They are not quite like anybody else , anywhere , and they are especially different from the Slavs and Turks and Arabs who occupy so much of the neighbouring part of the world .
11 Kirkpatrick is a marvellous rugby man , but surely his expertise is with the development of youngsters he enjoys so much .
12 It was the outside authorities who asked too much .
13 ‘ How interesting that after only a few hours you know so much about me .
14 If anyone is to go it should be Whyte and Fairclough , the two defenders who contributed so much to Leeds downfall in 1992–3 .
15 Other contributions which absorb as much in the way of time and intellectual effort — new methodological or computational techniques , datasets which have some general usefulness — are all but discounted .
16 Kun is quickwitted and charming ; his easy grace and sweet but never cloying tone are a real boon in the playful little Rosenkavalier -like inflexions which characterize so much of the score ( Bernstein was always so Viennese at heart ) ; his quiet contemplative manner pays rich dividends in the slow movement , ‘ Agathon ’ ( seven of Bernstein 's most poised and affecting minutes ) .
17 Remember that I had left England less than three days before this after an exceptionally grey and dull winter and the bright colours which typify so much Australian knitting were a delight .
18 You would n't want to start watching one of those awful old adventure films you like so much if you knew exactly what was going to happen , would you ?
19 Apart form some early experiments , which can be extremely sparse , his compositions largely avoid the reductionism fundamental to the serialists who attracted so much attention in the Sixties .
20 For the next 2½ years we spent as much time as we could at the melin .
21 So he snarled. –Does it mean that much to you ? ’
22 Basically everything we all agree at the Institute the question of improving the lot of the Third World is the responsibility of Third Worlders , and in fact a number of us would add that in very many cases , certainly not in all , it would not be achieved through slow incremental technical change , but would require in some cases very major social structural changes that in some cases erm will only be brought about very major social upheaval erm and there all we can do is add to perhaps the element of increasing consciousness and awareness of the problems , which furthermore is a two way street , I mean when we have this study activities we learn as much from the people who attend the seminars as we tell them .
23 It 's not the conditions I mind so much though , ’ said Len , ‘ it 's the officers and N.C.Os .
24 The aristocracies which ruled so much of Europe could still see themselves even in 1914 as in some sense parts of a social order which transcended national boundaries .
25 Although an agent may be very impressed by the talent he sees , there are practical difficulties which affect how much agents can do for young actors .
26 As we watched the train 's shadows turn and fold on the snowy shore , it became clear that she had not forgotten the stories which made this much more than a stark inland sea stretching as far as the eye can follow .
27 If we ask people to rank in order the six goals listed earlier , approximately 60 per cent of the workforce will put their highest value on relationships at work and home and not on advancement or achievement in a career sense , unlike top managers who place relatively much less emphasis on relationships .
28 I would far rather say , if I had the seven thousand pounds , say to both my daughters there you are dears , there 's the seven thousand pounds you decide how much of that you want for your wedding what is left over you keep , and it would be interesting to find out how much they then spent on their photographers , and on their cake , and the , the wedding cars etcetera .
29 Things we take so much for granted .
30 ‘ Are you still up to your naughty detective things we hear so much about ? ’
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