Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] the [noun sg] five " in BNC.

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1 Economic plans for the coming five years revealed in February 1990 included increased emphasis on the processing of raw materials and on agriculture ; changes in the pricing system ; the introduction of some private ownership ; and the setting of production targets for only 10 out of 2,000 products .
2 Foreign companies would be able to remit part of their profits abroad , and were promised compensation in the event of " unavoidable " nationalization ; they would be given tax concessions during the initial five years of operation if they were involved in high-technology industries , resource development or infrastructure construction .
3 FRANCE , winners of the Student Five Nations competition , are the favourites in this pool .
4 It was to be one of the worst times in the whole five years .
5 Curbishley then stepped up for the intermediate girls ' 300 metres hurdles and proceeded to win by 25 metres in a time of 43.9 secs , 1.6 seconds inside the Division Five record .
6 Ray Houghton and Earl Barrett both squandered chances in the opening five minutes .
7 The National Audit Office normally lays reports before the House five to seven days before publication .
8 The call came , would you believe it , from within the bowels of the front five and Chalmers , with another dropped goal itching in his boot , had not time to change it .
9 It therefore follows that to receive these beacons with the point five frequencies the aircraft equipment must have sufficient bandwidth to cover at least on kHz , and at best will have a much degraded performance with reduced usable range and accuracy .
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