Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] he [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Her gentle requests for him to sit down met with only short term success but when she used this scolding method his behaviour became far worse .
2 THE BBC 's Board of Management is rallying round beleaguered director general John Birt amid a stream of calls for him to resign over revelations about his special tax arrangements .
3 THE BBC 's board of management is rallying round its director-general , John Birt , amid a stream of calls for him to resign over revelations about his special tax arrangements .
4 She had allowed five minutes for him to get back ahead of her — she 'd no desire to go trailing in his arrogant footsteps !
5 Djohar refused their demands for him to step down , blaming lack of preparedness for the failure of the February ballot .
6 She led him through the main tannery to where a pile of raw sheep skins lay , and still with her light eyes on him lay down .
7 After criticising Government policy since 1979 , when the Conservatives came to power , Mr Clarke said : ‘ For John Major to claim credit for Hoover jobs staying Scotland — thanks to him opting out of the Social Chapter and keeping wages down — is a disgraceful betrayal of the Scottish workforce .
8 The tide was close in by now , and his footprints behind him filled up with water , gleaming .
9 The floor of his room was like a maze , with tower-blocks of books , whole walls of them set out on the thin carpet and holed linoleum so that only small corridors for him to walk in remained between them .
10 Having failed English Alevel , five years on he made up for this by getting a first for his thesis and a fine arts degree from Portsmouth Polytechnic .
11 There had been no handkerchieves for him to work on for several days and there was not very much to eat for dinner .
12 There are stories about him turning up at parties with various bimbos on his arm — you know the kind of thing .
13 When challenged by the head gardener the Americans pretended to be a press gang , which was sufficient to set ‘ all the stout young fellows ’ on the estate running off to the town for safety , but he also informed them that their intended victim was taking the waters at Buxton , and Jones set off back to his boat , until the two officers with him pointed out that , having left Whitehaven empty-handed , the crew should at least be allowed to loot the house .
14 She was getting pretty good at inventing details for him to note down .
15 And I said I 've bought a box of matches for him to go down and light this fire thinking you know he might need two or three matches at a time .
16 Ginny was now living on a part-time basis with David , Leo 's son by his first marriage ; Leo hoped that Ginny and David would marry and produce a host of little Quests for him to dote on in his old age .
17 Though when , having ousted him , thoughts of him crept back in again , she grew impatient with herself , and took herself off for a walk around town .
18 He had discovered a method of intercepting springs , and , using stone to seal his drains , he and others like him set about spreading the gospel of effective underdrainage .
19 The whole framework within which Nicholas had viewed the options before him broke down .
20 There are photographs of him taken on this and other trips : Eliot smiling sleepily at the camera , wearing a white cap and sunglasses , smoking a cigar and wearing a pink shirt and blue pullover .
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