Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Britain 's IT firms , in company with any others that use electronic equipment , rely on universities and other institutions for a supply of skilled people .
2 YAKOVLEV Design Bureau ( OKB ) are creating a number of Yak-3 replicas for an order from the USA , confirms Chief Designer , Sergey Yakovlev .
3 Obviously , since the whole economy was engaged in this process there could not be , according To Bukharin , a wholly unbalanced growth , even though there would be certain imbalances as a result of growth taking place in different sectors at somewhat different rates .
4 ( See Culler 1975 and the essay ‘ Semiotics as a theory of reading ’ in Culler 1981 . )
5 Indeed , several employ the recently established body of appraisal and synthesis contained in Oliver Neighbour 's Keyboard and consort music of William Byrd and Joseph Kerman 's Masses and motets as a launch-pad from which to commence the process of establishing the next generation of new observations .
6 All these activities , to varying degrees , require students to make notes as a record for future reference .
7 The results are preserved in some notes for a course of undergraduate lectures on Sophocles ' Oedipus Rex and an essay called " The Dionysiac Philosophy " , in both of which Greek tragedy is the primary object of attention .
8 In his fifties he was to return to the Liskeard area , the ‘ land of his fathers ’ , and make notes for a book on Cornwall ; alas , never to be completed .
9 He was collecting notes for a book of random observations , a Thackeray-like Sketchbook , called An American Journey .
10 Outside , a camera-strapped tourist haggles before he hands over some notes for a photograph of a mother lost in a dome of ragged blankets and the two children who peep out behind her .
11 The investigation found no evidence that the then Democratic candidate had been engaged in illegal activities during a trip to Moscow in 1969–70 .
12 The report also summarizes the global value of peat bogs , their special plant and animal communities , the archaeological evidence preserved in peat , and the role of peatlands as a store of greenhouse gases .
13 Gilmont said he did not expect the bank to lay off personnel as a result of increased EDI use ; rather , they would be redeployed to more ‘ value-added ’ jobs .
14 Mr Churchill-Coleman said he believed the IRA would suffer further setbacks as a result of new intelligence gathering resources including the involvement of MI5 .
15 Our Investigation Department were not dragging their heels in this respect and had already pulled off several coups as a result of painstaking groundwork with contacts abroad and in the UK .
16 Moreover , while Phizacklea and Miles believe that changes in the material circumstances of the working class can provide only a partial solution to the problem of racist ideologies , the political project of the transformation of capitalism and working-class conditions advocated by Hatcher and Shall ice ( and other left antiracists in education ) squeezes out of consideration the rather important caveat entered by Phizacklea and Miles about the prospects for change in racist ideologies as a result of changes in the material base .
17 This may be contrasted with the second type , the " attitude survey " , which aims at producing an accurate picture of people 's attitudes as a guide to their likely behaviour .
18 In the autumn of 1989 , therefore , the evidence for a permanent revolution in British public and private attitudes as a result of ten years of Mrs Thatcher 's rule was far from conclusive .
19 It was within the latter context , that Lazarsfeld and his colleagues sought to apply a generic conception of measurement to social phenomena as a means of effecting the link between theorical concepts and the empirical world .
20 Nevertheless , a start needed to be made somewhere to build a cumulative and objective body of knowledge of the relationships between the properties of social phenomena as a prelude to the formulation of substantial theoretical laws .
21 It also noted that the Brady plan had been applied on a slow-moving voluntary basis which depended on the goodwill of creditor governments and banks , and claimed that in the absence of such goodwill debtor governments had had no alternative but to declare moratoriums as a means of attracting attention to their situation .
22 Besides the varying effects caused by such economic factors as supply and demand , the basic soil conditions of particular areas provided more fundamental reasons for a range of types of farming .
23 The 1992 accounts are due to be published shortly , and the company has agreed to ‘ provide fuller information about a number of accounting policies ’ , including the background and reasons for a transfer to reserves and the non-depreciation of properties described as leasehold and lease rentals .
24 To impute that Dr Runcie has been an unsuccessful archbishop by quoting falling numbers in that part of the Anglican Communion which is the Church of England is to ignore a whole complex of reasons for a reduction in church-going , including , no doubt , the encouragement of a highly competitive and success-orientated society .
25 Reasons for a reduction in productivity may include a poorly planned operation which can result in longer learning curves and a low average output the introduction of more learning curves because of frequent changes of resources and working methods changing physical conditions lower outputs because plant was initially selected for one activity and is used for another inappropriate activity longer hours being worked regularly ( this can occur , for example , when accelerating the work rate to recover delays ) the lowering of morale owing to frequent changes of plan and poor management .
26 Recently , the BAG handed down a decision ( 4ASR 293/91 ) in which it stated that there were no justifiable reasons for a differential in wages .
27 Recall that among the possible reasons for a loss of conditioned responding with a change of context was the generalization decrement that might be expected when the event designated by the experimenter as the CS is presented in a different context .
28 We now have an outline of the reasons for an upswing in economic activity and for an increase in the rate of surplus-value .
29 The possibility of obtaining loans from the Phnom Penh museum was then followed up by the curator in Asian art at the ANG , Doctor Michael Brand : ‘ Normally it would have been the ANG 's desire to have more time , but 1992 was chosen because the Japanese were trying to borrow some objects for a show to be held in 1993 .
30 Hebert 's and Wainwright 's articles are encouraging because they begin to deal with their critical objects as a point of intervention within a political debate .
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