Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] be [vb pp] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In all but a few cases their treason had been petty , enlisting in the German ranks after being taken prisoner or something of that sort .
2 Mrs Thatcher exploited the change in the leadership election rules ( instituted after Meyer 's challenge ) requiring the names of those MPs nominating candidates to be made public by having Hurd and Major sign her nomination .
3 Ties to be played weekend of Saturday December 5 .
4 Ties to be played week beginning 23 October .
5 Ties to be played week beginning 6 November .
6 Ties to be played week beginning 29 November .
7 Until his removal Aringo had spearheaded a campaign to reform the party , calling for fresh grassroots elections , the adoption of secret balloting and for opposition parties to be given time to organize properly .
8 As they did so , their southern line became depleted , allowing more Allied units to be taken north from that sector .
9 Una Kyne , the executive services manager , put on a memorable meal and even had to make arrangements for 15 chauffeur driven cars to be given access .
10 probably the sensible course is for most books to be ordered sight unseen , with the occasional title requested ‘ on approval ’ when it is thought that seeing the book would be helpful .
11 There was much use of natural materials , and craftsmen expected like medieval masons to be given general rather than highly specific directions .
12 Elements to be studied range in concentration from ore-grade to ultra-trace element .
13 The majority of suggestions have been on the lines that there should be a one- or two-year period in which it should be possible for the capital of discretionary trusts to be distributed tax free provided the settlement was made before 26th March 1974 and the result of the distribution was that there would be either absolute entitlement to the property or an interest in possessing it .
14 Fortunately methods of antenatal diagnosis were developed and introduced in the 1980s , allowing parents to be offered termination of the abnormal fetus .
15 In a review of reconviction rates , for example , a Home Office report concluded : ‘ Those given probation orders were therefore less likely to be reconvicted within two years of being given probation than those released from custody ’ ( Home Office , 1986 , p. 5 ) .
16 Once the treaty is signed , an independent Banque de France is a first step , for Maastricht requires central banks to be given independence by 1999 .
17 To send her two young sons , Mathieu and Laurent , to sleep , Cécile de Brunhoff told them the story of a little elephant who left the forest to discover the town and learn the ways of men , before returning to his own idyllic land of the elephants to be crowned king .
18 ‘ The key would be knowing whether the money would be a one-off , or if continuing funding would enable running costs to be taken care of .
19 Hamid was more than a million dollars richer and the second Iranian-born player in three years to be crowned world champion .
20 The questions to be resolved centre crucially on the relationship between political history , communist ideology and literary form .
21 Habits and patterns of work can become more disorganized : people may be unable to focus on one task because all the other things to be done keep crowding in ; at the end of a very busy day little seems to have been accomplished .
22 ‘ There 's just more things to be taken care of , it seems to me , ’ he says , spitting a mouthful of sunflower shells into a cup .
23 There are other things to be taken care of . ’
24 Where the official receiver thinks it would be prejudicial to the conduct of the bankruptcy for the whole or part of the statement of affairs to be made public , he may apply to the court for an order limiting disclosure of it or any specified part of it ( r6.61 ) .
25 I did that and now because of the corrupt politics of an organisation hated and disrespected around the world they 're challenging my rights to be called world champion .
26 Two central problems were highlighted : the difficulty of achieving any kind of change when so many groups had power of veto over decision-making , and the lack of direction and leadership from the centre : " units and the authorities are being swamped with directives without being given direction " ( p. 12 ) .
27 Mrs Cass , who was in a wheelchair in court and had breaks to be given oxygen , said she had suffered four heart attacks since the RSPCA became involved with her dogs .
28 They were kept waiting for four hours before being given clearance to cover the Match of The Century ( starring Paul Gascoigne ) .
29 This influential view suggested that social democracy in the mixed economy had to reculer pour mieux sauter : it was necessary to call a halt to the expansion of public sector service expenditure to allow an industrial regeneration , which would then , at some later stage , permit social objectives to be given priority again .
30 This gov this government should support an application for all British yards to be given access to the intervention funding or shortly there will be no major ship building facilities at all in the U K , and hopefully no John Ma the i John Major either .
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