Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [be] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For cocks to be a sort of union card
2 You did n't have to go in for banging drums and shaking rattles to be a shaman ; you had simply to have suffered tremendously , been torn apart , come close to death .
3 You might expect the creator of such grisly images to be a bit of a ghoul himself but Hutson is a small , chirpy bloke who lives with wife Belinda in a new , mock-Tudor Bovis home in Milton Keynes , listens to heavy metal music and supports Liverpool .
4 Unfortunately , the insides of these sea-urchins are considered by some peoples to be a delicacy eaten raw and so are potentially dangerous .
5 She hated school and left at sixteen to go and train in a riding stables to be an instructor .
6 Later in life he compared his own feelings at the two ordinations to be a deacon and a priest and his later consecration to be a bishop .
7 The fact that almost nobody had heard of this prerogative turned out to one of the judges to be a point in its favour :
8 Some governments consider inadequate food resources in the developing countries to be the number one priority .
9 When I was 11 or 12 I had aspirations to be a goalkeeper too .
10 Shamlou gathered he had aspirations to be a cleric .
11 Marcus , thus present occasionally at Jack 's house , where he evidently felt his visits to be a matter of duty , inevitably encountered the women , who treated him with suitable respect and awe , and Jack , who was nervously affable , and even on two occasions Gildas to whom he nodded politely .
12 Moreover , his review took account of factors which were very different from those relevant to ‘ streamlining the planning machine ’ : the increasing pressure for public consultation and participation in the planning process , and the ‘ dissatisfaction on the part of applicants because they often do not understand why particular decisions have been made , or why it is necessary for what may seem small matters to be the concern of the planning machinery at all ’ .
13 It is only on the basis of such a model that the government , which considers one of its basic functions to be the management of the economy , can predict what the effect will be of a change in one of its policies .
14 Now , because it 's typically observed in the Harrison model shows this under certain circumstances to be the case , that , erm , a sort of erm , migration elasticity with respect to income differentials , right , is much greater than the erm ,
15 ‘ In those days you could take articles to be a solicitor at 16 subject to certain academic qualifications , ’ he recalled .
16 Firstly the process of moving down towards our S S A needs to be facilitated because my own instinct is that the government , faced with all sorts of financial tribulations , is going to take a harder and harder nosed attitude towards local government expenditure , as it will unfortunately with an awful lot of the rest of what we have come to expect over the decades to be the responsibility of central government , clearly the current expenditure review is going to have some nasty shocks in it for consumers of account services , consumers of other assets of the welfare state but particularly I would suspect , the local government .
17 Disaffected Cantarero supporters were considered by observers to be a danger to future constitutional order .
18 In his mighty fist Tyrion grasped the runesword Sunfang , forged in elder days to be the bane of daemons .
19 Failing such developments , it is possible that the European Court will find the unprincipled and unpredictable system of libel awards to be a breach of Article 10 of the European Convention , under which all restrictions on freedom of expression must be " prescribed by law " .
20 He said : ‘ In the past , Gwynedd communities may have perceived HIV and Aids to be a problem for others , for large urban populations or overseas communities .
21 In the Jura the Tithonian can be seen in places to be a coral reef limestone , but usually the corals have been obliterated by dolomitisation and dedolomitisation as is commonly the fate of reefs .
22 I thought er that God wanted me to be a doctor and I did n't have a place to go to , I took my A levels having had five chances of places to be a doctor and everybody saying no , we do n't want you and erm I had everybody praying for me at church and quite miraculously at the end of the August , when I should start in the September , I had a phone call at half past ten at night from a surgeon at the London Hospital asking me to go for an interview the next day .
23 Having found her ideas to be a success , Alison is now ready to share the designs with other knitters .
24 Mr Hussein may declare Iraq 's war against the allies to be a jihad , but Saudi Arabia returns the compliment , and has organised a fatwa ( religious decree ) to prove it .
25 This is based on a true story that shocked Paris society when a French diplomat and a Chinese opera singer were imprisoned after the former was ‘ accused of passing information to China after he fell in love with Mr Shi , whom he believed for 20 years to be a woman ’ .
26 Section 674 deems that income for tax purposes to be the income of Mr A. The income of £50,000 is amalgamated with the £100,000 and Mr A is assessed accordingly .
27 Twenty-seven research institutes will collaborate as working groups and the first buildings to be the object of conservation have been decided upon .
28 Identification among the members of a crowd , or group , leads to demands for all to be equal ; given the numbers involved , it is not possible for particular individuals to be the favourite , so a reaction-formation grows up , expressed as a group demand for social justice and equality .
29 However , Gemma continues to attend the Ravenscourt Theatre School in Hammersmith , where she has ambitions to be a dancer .
30 But undeterred by background or family opinion , I 'd written to the BBC to let them know of my ambitions to be a broadcaster — and was dismissed without benefit of an interview .
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