Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [v-ing] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 There are other reasons for belonging to a choir .
2 For that reason , the model adopted in medical education where the student is continually asked to articulate his or her experience and give reasons for acting in a certain way is particularly valuable .
3 Although it seems that the luminosity of the centre can be provided by the central star cluster , there remain compelling reasons for searching for a possibly dormant massive black hole .
4 The next witnesses , on behalf of the CEGB , said that there were three main reasons for going for a PWR .
5 The heroes , the solid men of yeoman virtue , the good breeding stock , even the captain ( especially the captain ! ) — they all went down nobly with the ship ; whereas the cowards , the panickers , the deceivers found reasons for skulking in a lifeboat .
6 Other reasons for returning after a long period away include :
7 reasons for applying to a particular institution
8 reasons for applying to a particular course
9 Since then financial markets concluded they have three good reasons for betting on a devaluation of the pound against the DM .
10 There are many good reasons for putting in a network , but a couple are compelling : resource sharing and specific functionality .
11 One direct result of the nuclear authorities ' assumptions on the remote possibility of catastrophic accidents , however , was that its plans for dealing with an emergency were consequently limited .
12 He did this on the advice of his father , who shared his misgivings about travelling on a passport in that name .
13 Some USM companies do feel neglected by the financial community , but the easing of the rules for transferring to a full listing may assuage them .
14 Many small businesses do not have the production levels to warrant a full container of their products for exporting to a single destination .
15 Minutes after appearing before a television crew to defend a jockey 's right to have the whip in his armoury , Steve Cauthen was forced to use it aboard the short-head winner .
16 MORE tea , vicar ? is not the sort of thing I expected to ask minutes after arriving in a Swiss ski resort .
17 He was released 22 hours after sentencing under a special amnesty declared by the President , Seku Torre .
18 Drying time : wearable within five hours after drying in a warm room — however the waistband took a little longer to dry .
19 After winning his debut 3,000m in superb style just 36 hours after returning from a training spell in South Africa , he insisted : ‘ It 's a waste of time .
20 Solbourne , forced to reorganise its operations after struggling in an already overcrowded sparc-compatible market , cut its losses and now sells its Sparc-based systems through indirect sales channels only in Europe .
21 The text sets out guidelines for coming to a true sense of priorities in the self , not unlike those in Rolle 's Form , and then examines three ways in which man can contemplate God : in nature ( which shows us our place in creation ) , in Scripture ( which teaches the faith ) and on " God self " .
22 As well as the four switch sockets on the back of the amp there are sockets for providing power to a foot controller , the usual MIDI in , thru and out , recording outputs for DI'ing into a desk , and the aforementioned FX loop .
23 RasterOps ' Sbus products are TC , a framestore card , TC Pip , a 24-bit frame store card and video mix and a TV card that grabs video images for processing on a workstation .
24 If the employer offers assistance towards housing costs , worries about living in a more expensive environment may be allayed .
25 All aspects of Music and Movement will be considered and studied individually and collectively and there will be opportunities for working with a physically handicapped group .
26 1984 Passion is clearly still in the air as Charles grips Diana 's arm masterfully and suppresses her flirtatious giggles with an ardent kiss on the lips after playing in a Cirencester polo match .
27 He also had to be pulled away from the stands after getting into a shouting match with a fan .
28 clay , other than pottery , which has been deliberately subjected to heat ( e.g. walls and bases of kilns and hearths , metal-production debris such as tuyeres and furnaces , core material remaining in bronzes after casting on a clay core ) , or heated accidentally ( e.g. daub from a house burnt down in a fire )
29 I first got the idea of the crocheted styles after looking at a piece of fabric and thinking : ‘ I could do that with hair . ’
30 The court has heard how some couples lost their life savings after investing with a financial advisory service run by Christopher How .
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