Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun prp] be be " in BNC.

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1 while Swindon folk were enjoying their ice hockey … the sporting fans of Bletchley were being entertained with something a little more graceful …
2 On Feb. 26 the Chief Prosecutor announced that charges of diversion of public funds against Honecker were being dropped since he had not had access to an account holding money paid by West Germany to buy the freedom of East German political prisoners .
3 Rare chance : Music fans in Hartlepool are being offered the chance to see one of Africa 's most famous reggae bands .
4 SHOPPERS in Darlington are being asked to spare some love on Valentine 's Day for hungry Russian children .
5 Dozens of shops in Oxfordshire are being contacted , but officers say anyone with one of these mixers should have it thoroughly checked before using it again .
6 Motorbikes from Bejing are being imported into Britain by an engineer , and by all accounts he 's doing a roaring trade .
7 BRITTEN 'S Hymn to St Cecelia and gipsy songs by Brahms are being performed this evening by Chester Bach Singers at Chester Cathedral Refectory ( 7.30pm ) .
8 Meanwhile the birds of Felling are being featured in a new wildlife book , sponsored by Coatings and produced by the local council .
9 In the first of these , undertaken in collaboration with the Institute of Hydrology , the use of collector wells for the irrigation of communal gardens in Zimbabwe is being investigated .
10 " All trading barriers within Europe are being removed by 1992 , and as Europe-wide environmental concerns grow , we believe there is an opportunity to offer WWF members in different countries a range of high quality products , which cause the least possible harm to our world and its resources , " says John Wilkinson , Head of Consumer Fundraising at WWF-UK .
11 In addition to the facilities listed in this leaflet other routes in each of the District Council areas within Lothian are being investigated .
12 Parents on Merseyside are being warned that the Police can not guarantee the safety of children until they have more information about who killed James .
13 ‘ Future English Shakespeare Company visits to Darlington are being jeopardised because bar takings are down . ’
14 As early as 430 — the time of Saint Patrick — a book explaining the teachings of Nestorius was being circulated in the West .
15 Premises at East Tullos in Aberdeen are being extended and upgraded at a cost of £0 5 million in support of a long term logistics partnering contract awarded by Enterprise Oil during the year .
16 More than half the British troops in Germany are being withdrawn over the next four years , which will inevitably put more pressure on UK training areas , making the removal of the MoD from national parks even less likely .
17 ONE of the most attractively sited factories in Merseyside is being offered for lease or outright sale in Southport .
18 Then there is the tragedy of Tibet , where large population transfers from China are being deliberately used to subvert the will of a brave people .
19 HISTORIC war department buildings in Essex are being restored to their former glory.Jobless volunteers have started clearing overgrowth from around the wartime buildings at Beacon Hill , Harwich , paving the way for full restoration work in the future.The work is being organised by NACRO , the National Association for the Care and Rehabilitation of Offenders , on behalf of the Essex Training and Enterprise Council.Project supervisor Ray Rawlinson said the 18 people working at Beacon Hill were long-term unemployed and did not have criminal records.The buildings date back to the Napoleonic wars were updated during the first and second world wars .
20 There is abundant evidence to show that in almost every corner of Europe the area under the plough was expanding : villages were growing ; new lands were being colonized ; marshes were being reclaimed , forests felled ; in the eleventh and twelfth centuries the frontiers of Europe were being pressed outwards , and on Germany 's eastern frontier , and to a lesser extent elsewhere , new land was being settled by peasants as well as by lords .
21 ‘ Green audit ’ call to businesses BUSINESSES in Middlesbrough are being asked to carry out a ‘ green audit ’ as part of the town 's Environment City year .
22 The gathering lasted until the small hours of next morning and Dr Hsieh talked about China in English , answering many questions and telling a number of highly entertaining stories of how modern changes in China were being effected .
23 The company says it 'll be shipping the equipment to Tripoli on Friday , despite a Foreign Office warning that Britons in Libya are being refused exit visas in the row over the Lockerbie bombing.Mike Rowbottom reports
24 The Equal Rights faction conveyed a protest to the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe ( CSCE ) meeting in Helsinki [ see pp. 39030-31 ] that human rights in Latvia were being violated .
25 A survey of the groundwater resources on Jersey is being carried out for the States of Jersey .
26 Delegates at a conference on the surveillance of volcanoes , held in Palermo , Sicily , last week , heard that observations at Etna were being neglected .
27 Ducks from Britain are being blamed for driving a species in Europe to the verge of extinction .
28 Local authorities in Scotland are being asked to pay for a Soviet ship to measure radioactive and chemical pollution in Scottish coastal waters .
29 THE campaign to attract European funds for sea defences in Essex is being stepped up .
30 THE number of empty council houses in Middlesbrough is being kept down to the bare minimum in an attempt to ease the town 's homes crisis .
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