Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] [vb -s] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Dunlop have been working hard over the winter and Rainey 's lap times during testing proves they 'll be right there . ’
2 And this song , number five in the front section of the Songs of Fellowship reminds us that there on the cross as Jesus dies for his dad , great demonstration of his love for us !
3 The refusal of successive Conservative governments under Margaret Thatcher and John Major to engage in dialogue with the political supporters of paramilitarism makes it difficult to see how such an objective may be achieved .
4 What can science and the public learn about scientific procedures from this ; what ethical issues are raised ; what murky aspects of science does it expose ?
5 Figure 2 shows that as well as providing values of isotope shifts we can use RFS to measure the amount , or abundance , of a particular isotope in a sample .
6 Each of the many skills of smallholding requires its own discipline .
7 The relentless struggle of the workers against unemployment and hunger in times of peace as in times of war makes it vital for them to organise for the overthrow of the capitalist system and for the establishment of the Socialist Commonwealth .
8 It seems perverse , to say the least , to argue that criminalising some forms of behaviour ensures their survival and future usefulness ( or , conversely , that not criminalising them would guarantee their extinction ) !
9 If they do not have such a grounding , it will be difficult for them to pursue more advanced studies subsequently , especially in ‘ vertebrate ’ subjects such as mathematics and science ; also , a merely partial or incomplete exposure to such forms of knowledge sells them short in terms of human thought , indeed of the very concept of mind .
10 A gradation system which fails to afford adequate recognition to the horror which the community may feel about certain forms of rape lays itself open to attempts at circumvention .
11 Only when restricted by the sharp lines of formality does it seem at rest .
12 Looking through the advertisements in magazines , suppliers ' catalogues and the shelves of art shops it is certainly obvious that there is a huge choice of instructional art videos currently available — probably about 200 !
13 The company has also signed with special effects company Industrial Light & Magic Inc , which produced the award-winning effects in Death Becomes Her and the liquid Cyborg in Terminator 2 .
14 For manipulations in hanging drops it is essential that the two instruments should run parallel to the microscope stage .
15 I have contended that the success , and for that matter failure , of blacks in sport has nothing to do with so-called physical characteristics which they are all meant to share , nor with psychological predispositions which they clearly do not have , and certainly not with physical inheritances which are said to have been somehow transmitted genetically from their slave forefathers .
16 ( b ) If the number of lines per set becomes plenty , dazzle will certainly arise unless a method of grouping or pattern is introduced into the grid .
17 If you find galls on garden weeds you can use a trowel to transfer the plant to a pot of soil .
18 However , the vast difference in cost between current personal assistance schemes and provision of service-based packages of care makes it clear that a fully funded personal assistance scheme would still , in many cases , be cheaper .
19 All kinds of conditioning causes us to act in a way that we know is contrary to what we really want .
20 All kinds of information informs my attitudes , but I need to verify this by inspecting the real thing very carefully .
21 Save The Children Fund 's years of experience shows it does n't work and indeed that form of incarceration can lead to some of the tragic circumstances of self image , damage and even death which have occurred in penal institutions and been reported recently .
22 The cast of Jack and the Beanstalk at the Wyvern Theatre in Swindon , is risking all by working with both children AND animals , but Trevor Bannister , veteran of 20 years of panto takes it all in his stride .
23 In each basket we compared like with like — so there were no cheap and nasty products with brand names you 've never heard before .
24 The very unfamiliarity , now , of the language and concepts of Christianity makes it possible to present these anew both as a moral ideal and an attitude to humanity and the capacities of humanity .
25 To understand the problems of font clashes it is worth turning the clock back to the very first Macintosh system .
26 A woman whose home was wrecked by vandals in an attack which caused thousands of pounds of damage says she 's able to forgive them .
27 This declared ambition to reach a broad readership beyond the closed bastions of academia brings one to the first fissure in the book .
28 Certain doors are not to be opened things like emergency exits there 's they notice that there 's more one of the emergency exits is actually broken , so the door do n't even open .
29 They imagine if they make subtle and marginal changes in tax rates everyone will notice .
30 He could go and dig up the roadworks during the night , and get some cement made up in a small container and cement up the holes in manhole covers you used to lift the things up by .
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