Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 He then marched up the hall , climbed on to the dais and sat down at the head of the table there , snapping his fingers for Athelstan to join him .
2 In 1980 , Allan Wells took six months off work to enable him to train twice a day .
3 The pulses of energy released he called ‘ overgrounds ’ .
4 His interest in transferring aquatinted designs to pottery led him in 1771 to approach Josiah Wedgwood [ q.v. ] , who after considerable interest finally lost patience with the headstrong Burdett , who had hopes of years of lucrative work from his process .
5 ‘ And as for the Bulldog , I hear that his wife takes him for walks at night to stop him making a mess .
6 Since he had ten minutes of lunch-break left he strolled into the canteen and sat down with Hickson , one of his more elderly colleagues — an avuncular type , deep in local politics , and decidedly cynical about Greg 's attempts to resuscitate an era of Oswaldston history long and thankfully closed .
7 I was ruining his chances of getting free from the chains of misery attaching him to a rotten banlieue de Paris .
8 It was pitiful , the broken blade of a dagger that he had bound with strips of rag to give him a handle , and sharpened as best he could on the edge of the stone under the window ; the worn hollow , paler in colour , was there to be seen .
9 Joe felt the familiar fingers of fear touching him .
10 The Conventional Rules of Duty bound him as they bound his subjects .
11 A drop of scotch during occasional periods of self-criticism helped him to become happy with himself , but most of the time he was happy anyway .
12 He turned left down an alley without indicating and I had to carve up a Volvo with Swedish number plates in order to follow him .
13 A succession of posts in journalism took him to Bolton , Blackpool , Nottingham , and Birmingham .
14 Although Frank obtained a first-class diploma from the College , he did not find an opening in farming and his thoughts turned once more to medicine for which his experiences at College led him to think he had an aptitude .
15 Only the top honours at squash eluded him .
16 Moreover , Lorca influenced Leonard 's world-view too ; his ‘ transcendental and far-reaching ’ ideas about life touched him : ‘ Lorca changed my way of being and thinking radically , ’ he told a Spanish journalist .
17 So the butcher took no more meat from L who brought an action against the union officials for conspiracy to injure him .
18 Spectres of poverty beset him , and he hankered after anything that would last .
19 Ten years of study persuaded him that she was no such thing .
20 In 1987 perhaps the Prime Minister 's pre-election visit to Moscow and her eve-of-election trip to the Venice summit of Western leaders were favourable to her re-election , but ‘ Harold Wilson always asserted that a bad set of trade figures a few days before polling cost him an election , while the effect of being centre-stage during the Iran hostages affair may have been devastating to Jimmy Carter 's fortunes ’ .
21 The therapist agreed to see David daily for the next few days in order to provide him with support .
22 The society claims that there are ‘ cosmic masters ’ in the universe and that they have come ‘ to give priceless teachings to man to help him prepare for the New World and to bring a great millennium of peace ’ .
23 These two seemed friendly enough , but their questions about Sweetheart put him on the defensive .
24 The Bill took four years to get through Parliament , during which time Owen was subjected to abuse by those who opposed it , and on his deathbed in 1858 , a clergyman who came ( needlessly ) to offer him the consolations of religion asked him if he regretted having wasted his life in fruitless efforts !
25 One may guess at the Spaniard 's dismay when Moctezuma passed him some lumps of greenstone enjoining him to hand them to none other than his prince .
26 He was strong and his resources of stamina enabled him to play just as forcefully in the final ten minutes of a game as in the first ten .
27 Darwin himself had little sympathy for these ideas and not much , personally , for Spencer , though he did once say — I quote Burrow ( p. 182 ) — ‘ in a moment of enthusiasm … that Spencer 's Principles of Biology made him feel that he ‘ is about a dozen times my superior ’ , and thought that Spencer might one day be regarded as the equal of Descartes and Leibniz , rather spoiling the effect by adding , ‘ about whom , however , I know very little ’ ’ .
28 Sudden changes of mood left him rattling sarcasms like a snake , and he fell easily into disputes with others , including the Moynihans and Muriel Belcher .
29 This will be Cantona 's first visit to Hillsborough since he snubbed Wednesday , and his reception will be far removed from the hero worship of Elland Road or Old Trafford.Fergie will need all his powers of communication to prevent him being French fried in the face of hostility he is unlikely to have encountered before .
30 He was a big fit man but he realised he could not go on much longer , and his iron resolve began to melt in the face of the powers of nature surrounding him .
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