Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 Collecting the trowel , she bent down and began stabbing it into the bigger clumps of earth to break them up .
2 Winston was picking a team of folk from all walks of life to see them as soon as they could .
3 While recognising that recent trends in health education are encouraging a move away from a purely topics-based programme , pupils need to have access to reliable information on a wide range of aspects of health to help them make informed judgements about healthy practices .
4 In place of the comfortable doctrine of sedimentation keeping pace with subsidence , we were now faced with the notion of empty troughs forming in the sea floor , with only occasional rushes of sediment to fill them .
5 This celebrated treatise , usually known as " The Art of Courtly Love " , lies at the origin of the legend of the Courts of Love , tribunals before which lovers were supposed to bring their quarrels in order to have them adjudicated by authorities in the art of love like Eleanor of Aquitaine and her daughter .
6 Here the question is subjective : did the person hearing the words in fact interpret them as a dismissal or a resignation ?
7 ‘ The result of this decision will be more applications for care orders and more children removed from their homes in order to protect them , ’ he said .
8 When they could not get gold for their dollars after 1971 ( the US gold stock fell by only $2½ billion over the whole period ) , they only acquired these dollars because they were prepared to sell their own currencies in order to prevent them rising further .
9 All the difficulties with ‘ wet white ’ were eliminated in Birmingham where there was an obscure ruling that bare legs were banned ( this remained in force as late as the 1950s ) , so when playing there they were given cotton tights but had to put a penny at the side , wrap a piece of string round it and the tights in order to hold them up .
10 He was much respected for his knowledge of golf courses , but was a throwback to the days when caddies wore old macs or tweed overcoats , slept rough in the summer , and in October committed a misdemeanour mild enough to ensure six months in jail to see them through the winter and send them out sobered up and refreshed for the new golf season .
11 I thought that was terrific , but the sergeant in charge had to take 5 months over paperwork to get them into court .
12 More commonly , he will have been given power to make laws , subject only to the controlling authority of one or both Houses of Parliament to unmake them , or to withhold the endorsement necessary for them to continue to enjoy the force of law .
13 Editors and journalists employed on journals published by these organisations are therefore at great financial risk , and should ensure that their contracts of employment indemnify them against costs and damages which may accrue from libel actions , which are often brought by opponents of their employer 's policies .
14 The opening day of the trial was to be devoted to legal arguments and Mr Beltrami , Moira , Meehan and myself turned up at the Courts of Justice to hear them .
15 Above all , they worked the tides , using those heaven-sent moving roads of water to help them on their way .
16 This uncertainty might , on the one hand , encourage social commentators in the attitude expressed by a writer in The Economist in 1848 : ‘ In our condition suffering and evil are nature 's admonitions ; they can not be got rid of ; and the impatient attempts of benevolence to banish them from the world by legislation , before benevolence has learnt their object and their end , have always been productive of more evil than good . ’
17 The broadcasters have now said that , subject to some minor changes , they are reasonably content that the rules of coverage allow them to give an accurate representation of the House 's proceedings , and the Committee recommended that no further modifications be made to the rules at this stage .
18 If they do not have such a grounding , it will be difficult for them to pursue more advanced studies subsequently , especially in ‘ vertebrate ’ subjects such as mathematics and science ; also , a merely partial or incomplete exposure to such forms of knowledge sells them short in terms of human thought , indeed of the very concept of mind .
19 The principle developed in the United States , but is increasingly used elsewhere , notably in the European Community — although the EC exempts many areas of business to allow them to compete effectively in market sectors where the United States and Japan are strong .
20 The decision by the party to target carefully chosen areas of strength allowed them to gain a share of the vote far in excess of their opinion poll rating .
21 Apart from the counties a number of urban areas had grown up and many of these had been granted Charters of Incorporation giving them varying powers of local administration .
22 Noises of chopping reached them as they lay there in the morning , feeling stiff and foul .
23 Even in the half-tones of night she could see the narrowing of those dangerous sapphire eyes , see sparks of desire bringing them to their full colour .
24 The weekly team talks improved their motivation and heightened their involvement , and weekly rounds of golf helped them to relax .
25 The Supreme Court ruled on June 15 that the US government could legally abduct people from foreign countries in order to bring them to trial in the USA .
26 However , he said he always included something above the understanding of his hearers in order to prevent them becoming either complacent or conceited and to stimulate their desire to learn more .
27 His team took rat neurons ( nerve cells ) and grew cell lines in culture to allow them to examine some of the chemical processes that take place .
28 He must select and contrast the strong and weak or tensed and relaxed movements in order to give them tempo , rhythm and expressive quality .
29 But he feels that he 's completely justified in lying , cheating and evading bills in order to carry them out .
30 We have to risk our political lives in order to save them .
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