Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [noun] of [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The plans referred to are short-term plans for periods of from one week to one month .
2 And these sorts of initiatives of of people organizing together you know sort of .
3 High amplitude propagated contractions ( HAPCs ) were defined as contractions with amplitude of at least 100 mm Hg in at least two recording sites , propagating for at least 30 cm ( over three or more recording sites ) .
4 Otherwise judges are appointed from the ranks of barristers of at least ten or fifteen years ' standing and are likely to have had at least twenty years ' practice at the bar .
5 He was collecting for over forty years and , as Miller was a regular recipient of Bartram 's shipments , it can be assumed that ‘ a large proportion of plants credited to Miller as introducer consisted of collections by Bartram and if this is true he was probably responsible for the first appearance in the gardens of England of between one hundred and fifty and two hundred plants ’ ( John Hendley Barnhart , ‘ Significance of John Bartram 's Work to Botanical and Horticultural Knowledge ’ , Bartonia Special Issue , 1931 ) .
6 The Redcliffe-Maud and the Wheatley Commissions were persuaded by the evidence from government departments that education , housing and the personal social services required catchment areas with populations of at least 200,000 to 250,000 .
7 A military court in Zagreb on May 20 sentenced five Croats to terms of between one and 3@1/2 years for preparing an armed insurrection against the JNA to kill officers and their families .
8 One of the events arranged to mark the Library 's Tercentenary in 1989 was a bookbinding competition , in which binders were invited to design appropriate bindings for copies of For the Encouragement of Learning : Scotland 's National Library , 1689–1989 .
9 169 New Bond Street , W1 Sale starts on Monday , December 28 for three-and-a-half weeks with reductions of between 25 and 50 per cent .
10 Within the group of authorities with an establishment over 300 , 12 of the 15 libraries ( 80% ) specifically budgeted an amount for training , 71% of libraries with establishments of between 100–300 did so , while only 55% of small libraries specifically budgeted money for training .
11 Large district libraries with bookstocks of between 40,000 to 100,000 volumes should ‘ meet the demands of all those whose main need is for books and information on specific subjects , even though they may not be engaged in formal study ’ , and also ‘ meet the needs of those who wish to select their books from a wide range of cultural or recreational materials of high standard ’ .
12 You only have to look back over what 's er happened over the last few years in terms of for example O S Two , Microsoft Windows , a variety of Unix , and you 'll see that technologies will come along and however sound a decision you make at one point in time the market circumstances and potentially mean that what was right for you then not the right .
13 Er they 'll ask questions about sex , they 'll ask questions about parts of the body er sometimes kids are n't exactly au fait with the social niceties and taboos so they 'll say totally inappropriate things in front of in front of elderly relatives who are deeply shocked and um all that kind of thing .
14 ( c ) where a recognised body ceases to have at least one shareholder who is able to exercise voting rights in respect of at least one share .
15 ( c ) a recognised body shall , notwithstanding sub-paragraphs ( 4 ) ( c ) and ( 5 ) ( a ) of Rule 5 , at all times have at least one member holding a share or shares in the circumstances set out in Rule ( 5 ) ( 2 ) ( a ) ( ii ) of these rules and able to exercise voting rights in respect of at least one share in the body , except that the recognition of a body shall not expire solely because :
16 ( ii ) the death of a member has left a recognised body with no member able to exercise voting rights in respect of at least one share in the body provided ( a ) that within three months of the death the recognised body has at least one member able to exercise such voting rights , and ( b ) that until proviso ( a ) has been fulfilled either at least one share in the body is beneficially owned by a solicitor or a recognised body or the only personal representative in respect of at least one share in the body is a solicitor or a recognised body .
17 Can I just confirm with Mr Curtis that when he was talking about the thirty three hectares , he was talking about thirty three hectares in terms of in terms of a change of use
18 So we have a wealth of choice for you as customers in terms of for instance using tools which you 're familiar with which you 've already invested in .
19 Improved recognition rates can be achieved , the process is no slower , and has obvious leanings to parallelisation of at least some stages of the recognition process .
20 What is clear is that the Act does not apply to conversion or intentional torts against goods by virtue of of the Torts ( Interference With Goods ) Act 1977 , s. 11 .
21 The Armed Forces Supreme Court sentenced 26 non-commissioned army officers to terms of imprisonment of between six and nine months for participating in the abortive military coup of Dec. 3 , 1990 [ see p. 37913 ] .
22 Erm generally , the er design of the houses compliments those which have already been built at the er , Southern Way and the side of the Ayletts Field , and the extension to Fern Hill er , in terms of their materials in terms of the landscaping , and they will er , as close as it 's possible to do match the refurbished bungalows in terms of including features such as block paving and erm car ports .
23 This fund manager has an annual charge of 1% on the first £150,000 invested , 0.75% on the next £850,000 and additional charges for transactions of between 0.1% and 1.25% .
24 Only payments of cash of at least £600 fall within the scope of Gift Aid .
25 The immediate consequences of this were the disarming of eight battalions , some eight thousand men , and the subsequent arrest on charges of mutiny of between 50 to 60 of the leading mutineers .
26 Commercial paper ( CP ) refers to unsecured promissory notes issued by large corporations with maturities of between one day and a year .
27 For example , Bracey ( 1958 ) in a study of 375 Somerset parishes found that , in general , the more remote and less well serviced parishes were those with the worst and most persistent depopulation , and findings like this only encouraged the further development of theories of settlement concentration in the 1960s although these can also be traced back as far as 1918 , when Peake ( 1918 ) advocated equally-spaced villages with populations of between 1,000 and 1,500 people .
28 ( ii ) Tyndall blue , though uncommon , occurs in some Odonata and is due to the scattering of the shorter wavelengths by particles with dimensions of about the same size as the wavelengths of light .
29 We do not have direct evidence of other galaxies , but it seems likely that they are composed of particles and that in the universe as a whole , there is an excess of particles over antiparticles of about one particle per 10 8 photons .
30 The present generation of particle accelerators can collide particles at energies of about one hundred GeV , and machines are planned that would raise this to a few thousand GeV .
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