Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] [adv] having [verb] " in BNC.

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1 My reason for not having done it myself and my father 's reasons for not having done it with the National Gallery is that , in the case of Yale , I 'm looking forward to the day when there 'll be other people interested in English art who will give paintings or money to the Center for British Art just because it is the Center for British Art , where they would n't do it if it was the Paul Mellon Center for British Art .
2 Migrants gave three main reasons for not having taken the course at the institutions involved in our research .
3 This is that the King is showing signs of not having learnt the lesson of the past months .
4 Then , using Lemma 3 , we have for general P , Q , R : unc Now because the few elements F of the first set which are not of the form unc are easily proved ( using the laws ) equivalent to ones that are , using the laws , e.g. unc By our assumption that the result holds for finite processes this in turn is equal to unc Since we are in the process of setting up powerful machinery for dealing with finite programs ( for example Theorem 1 ) there are advantages in only having to prove new laws for them .
5 Recently there has been notable self-criticism among senior economists for not having given much more attention to the problem of income determination within the framework of Keynesian analysis [ Meade , 1982 ] .
6 six weeks of not having to get up and you got ta go .
7 He enjoys this power without any accountability to parliament , of course : once elected he remains in office for seven years without ever having to justify his policies to anyone except via the media , and interviews to the Head of State are usually rather tame and grovelling .
8 Firstly , my sincere apologies for not having contacted you earlier about your proposal .
9 My apologies for not having written to you before now .
10 Put another way , the cost of capital is the cost to lenders and investors of not having done something else with their money : the rate of return they could expect to earn on investments of equal risk .
11 He predicts that intense X-rays will destroy hazardous organic wastes without ever having to take them out of their 55 gallon drums — a much safer and cleaner operation than most clean-up techniques .
12 Apart from making it easier for customers to shop at their stores , retailers started their own store card or charge card schemes as a way of adding to their ancillary profits — and reducing outgoings by not having to pay the banks so much for their credit card schemes .
13 Deep down , however , and reading his own comments about always having to fight for employment and never being superbly successful , one ca n't help feeling he actually yearned for the stability that steady and better paid work would bring .
14 Most pupils have little creativity or imagination , except when it comes to thinking of excuses for not having done their homework .
15 Only two Fridays ago , the hon. Gentleman was berating Conservative Members for not having read ’ Meet the Challenge .
16 There is even the possibility that the knowledge evoked here may have been obtained indirectly , through some other channel than direct experience , as a speaker could utter any of the above four sentences without ever having observed what he is asserting at all .
17 That is not necessarily so in relation to the few surviving companies limited by guarantee and having a share capital.z And there is no inherent reason why it should be so with companies limited by shares ; indeed a very sensible method of promoting voluntary ‘ co-determination ’ would be to provide means whereby employees could become members without also having to buy shares in the company , thus risking the loss of their savings as well as their jobs if their employer-company becomes insolvent .
18 But it is not Palomar 's regrets at not having cultivated ‘ precise nomenclature and classification ’ that concerns us here .
19 The Examiner 's Report for 1890 stated : " The work and discipline in the School seem to improve term by term — yet there Is room for greater improvement if some parents would be a little less indulgent in giving excuses for their boys for not having prepared their work . "
20 On coming home , one , because of psychological stress and the consequences of not having resolved anything , preferred not to face the future — and therefore took an overdose .
21 The more computer power is available , the faster business can be transacted , and the heavier become the competitive penalties for not having to hand the right information about your business and its environment .
22 He had long ago got the whole business of Ecalpemos under tight control and lived in high hopes of never having to refer to it again in word or thought — and then there had appeared this paragraph .
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