Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adj] and [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But it made sense to keep the running titles intact and transfer them as a set to another forme on its way to the press , saving a little of the compositor 's time .
2 The troops did not appreciate the lack of comfort on cars 10–21 and christened them cattle-trucks .
3 She should understand that every country in the world has an incontrovertible right to a ‘ fortress mentality ’ and every country has been historically allowed the right to keep its borders intact and protect its people from invasion by hostile forces .
4 After the banquet an Italian performed a subtle and cunning rope trick , then a troupe of girls danced a vigorous whirling jig which left the faces of the spectators , as well as theirs , red with excitement as they kicked their legs high and let their skirts go up , revealing to all and sundry what lay beneath .
5 Are the stop-cocks accessible and do they turn easily ?
6 Keep the legs straight and squeeze them together .
7 The nervous horse rolled its eyes white and flicked its ears towards the crackling sound of the muskets .
8 ‘ Tell Wally to keep his eyes open and let me know when they pass him , ’ Hitch instructed .
9 When the time is right Shamans pick the special fungus and make the vile brew which sends the Fanatics crazy and turns them into uncontrolled whirling maniacs .
10 In the parade room were all the clothes , and the mothers were stripping all the kids naked and fitting them out — the place stunk with corduroy trousers .
11 Sheila opened her eyes wide and fixed her father with a precisely constructed look of wistful adoration .
12 O'Rourke looked at Bartlemas and both of them opened their eyes wide and put their hands over their mouths in mock horror .
13 As a lock , if your prop asks for a special effort at a scrummage you just hollow your back , get your feet right and give it all you 've got .
14 It was then she recognized it was fear that had set her limbs a-tremble and turned her blood to ice .
15 In the first of a new series , which considers the properties of various media , MARTIN CHILD examines the brands available and puts them to the test .
16 As a boy growing up in New York , he recalls his father doing whatever he could to keep food in the ten hungry mouths , including buying up condoms and sunglasses wholesale and selling them to shopkeepers .
17 We converted the kitchen into a production centre and extended the stage by three metres to make the sight lines passable and give us reasonable presentational potential .
18 ‘ So , ’ Nathan pulled the towel from his shoulder and tossed it aside , ‘ after you 've tidied the galley , wipe the oilskins dry and hang them in the locker .
19 He took in ten children up to five years old and guaranteed their upbringing and education to the age of eighteen .
20 He killed the and heard that Jesus was born and he would be made king so he sent his men to go out and find every baby that was under two or three years old and kill them .
21 Both were boys of 8 years old and had their imaginations fired by Perry Mason , a fictional TV lawyer who helped the poor .
22 He was , perhaps , seven years old and had his money tied up in a corner of his handkerchief .
23 Taskopruzade quotes from his father these words of Hocazade 's : " At the time when I was at the Sultan medrese in Bursa I was thirty-three years old and loved nothing save Taskopruzade goes on to say that Hocazade used to take more pride in having taught at the Sultan medrese than in having been kazasker or Mehmed II's Hoca .
24 Yeah yeah might as well I 'll make the mincemeat , mince pies this and give you some Ann that 'll save you doing them , wo n't it ?
25 For just £30 a year for four years you can buy one of the 550 seats available and have it names after you or someone of your choice .
26 Just as computers overwrite out-of-date files on their disks , monks used to scrape useless manuscripts clean and recycle them .
27 We pack in the fishing ; Odd-Knut pronounces the last of the worms dead and suggests we all come back for another go in April .
28 Contact with it turns new wine sour , crops touched by it become barren , grafts die , seeds in gardens are dried up , the edge of steel and the gleam of ivory are dulled , hives of bees die , even bronze and iron are at once seized by rust , and a horrible smell fills the air ; to taste it drives dogs mad and infects their bites with an incurable poison …
29 Gloria then added that the pistols for shooting cost over a hundred pounds each and did she know ?
30 But my aunty and uncle gave my cousins fifteen pounds each and have theirs to themselves .
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