Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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31 ‘ A few notes spaced out like the first stars that penetrate the sky at sunset ’ , as Tovey describes the miraculous midway section .
32 The action follows detailed investigations carried out by the board last month .
33 All the pubs and clubs empty out at the same time .
34 When English merchants moved out into the world beyond Europe , it was natural enough that the Spice Islands became their ultimate objective .
35 Goodenough 's group confirmed that the emotional content of dreams could be affected by pre-sleep stimulation ( in this case , a film entitled subcision — explicitly showing a series of operations carried out on the penis as part of a tribal aboriginal initiation rite ) .
36 One in nine of the operations carried out in the region now are done privately , and that 's actually one in three in some parts of .
37 Margaret had one of the first major heart operations carried out in the UK more than 27 years ago in Edinburgh .
38 Mr. Park went on to argue that there were three phases in the operations carried out by the taxpayer , namely : ( 1 ) the pre-contract phase where business was solicited abroad , ( 2 ) the making of the contracts , and ( 3 ) the performance of the contract throughout the stipulated period of duration in the overseas country by refraining from taking action there against the sub-licensee .
39 Many of the operations carried out by the sponsor are typical of small-batch operations in large sectors of UK manufacturing and one of the aims of this stage of the research is the derivation of a systematic analysis of production operations in order to gauge the economic potential of fully automated operations .
40 His hand slid down over her back , his fingers splaying out over the firm swell of her bottom , pulling her body closer still to his .
41 These punishments include having ‘ the throat cut across , the tongue torn out by the root ’ and being ‘ buried in the sand of the sea at low water … ’ — this explains why you tend to find heads sticking out of the beach who refuse to tell you that they 're up to .
42 They inevitably knock on the door on the one evening of the month when you 're dolled up in your glad rags to go out on the town .
43 Sitting on the tall range , its small legs sticking out over the bright brass rail which acted both as a safety barrier round the hotplates and as a place to hang grubby kitchen towels , the small attendant 's face was almost at the same level as the human 's .
44 Agnes is losing patience and revenue , I 've practically got my legs sticking out of the Boomerang window , when there 's this heavy handslap on the roof of the car .
45 CW to add this to a list of jobs which DCS to carry out in the near future .
46 It turns out that our animal was able to see in almost every direction — upwards , downwards , sideways and forwards , and even backwards , because the eyes bulged out beyond the line of the rest of the body .
47 The eyes gazed out from the screen .
48 That was to the tune of 38–3 in an Arms Park qualifying match and sent the Dragons tumbling out of the World Cup .
49 It swims , with its legs tucked out of the way alongside its flanks , by sinuous movements of its body and by beating its tail .
50 The torrent of words tumbled out of the phone pell-mell , a flood that the chief inspector was unable to stem .
51 His readiness to speak on almost any topic , and especially on medical ethics , was remarkable : his speeches averaged out over the pontificate at almost one a day .
52 The jobless figures were the first economic indicators to come out during the campaign , there are many more before election day .
53 He stared up at the grey shapes bobbing out in the lagoon .
54 It is notable that even when the young Rogers was inspired by the direct experience of discovering two moths in nearby woods , he turned immediately to books to find out about the life-cycle , and learn the lepidopterists ' terminology .
55 Describe in detail the sequence of steps carried out by the store , data manipulation unit , and control unit of the Von Neumann computer when executing the sequence of instructions given in Figure 1.6 .
56 Human eyes peered out through the empty sockets of beasts .
57 Hewlett-Packard currently looks by far the best placed of the biggest manufacturers to come out as the winner in the 1990s — but then three or four years ago , that was being said about DEC .
58 We passed little shops hollowed out of the walls , selling henna , mint , aromatic seeds .
59 There are plenty of great walks to try out in the forest itself and some of the surrounding peaks — the forest boundaries include some of the lower Cairngorm summits .
60 These are piers built out over the harbour , and indicate old merchants ' houses , where ships could unload directly into the premises .
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