Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] i [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Words failed me at this last find … but not so my companions !
2 My history books told me about those wicked aristocrats of the nineteenth century , they used their position as landlords to force their tenants to , to vote in a certain way , to force their tenants in other words to take up a particular position on a matter of controversy .
3 Since English people are also stereotyped in Ulster in various ( usually unfavourable ) ways , it was probably equally important that my mixed , but mainly Scottish , accent made it extremely difficult for subjects to fit me into any clear popular category .
4 The swirling shapes remind me of those kitsch 1960s lamps .
5 Why should I require animals to join me in some mutual admiration society or even make them honorary members ?
6 ‘ Oh , no , ’ I sarcastically retorted , ‘ just some French bravos welcoming me to this Godforsaken city !
7 Did that commingling of unrelated flavours remind me of another dish , or had it produced a breakthrough in gastronomy ?
8 I find it almost amusing to listen to several of my contemporaries tell me about that ill-fated occasion and how they found a means of getting over the Alps .
9 erm , er and I 'm have to take some time over this , so I think erm in the circumstances the better thing to do would be to adjourn this case till Monday morning and hope that Mr can so arrange his affairs to address me at half past ten on that day , er with Mr and with erm , whatever rights he has to erm deal with matters of this , come up a fresh in reply and to finish off , I 'm gon na leave it like that , a very much , and as I say as far , as far as tomorrow 's concerned that 's er not a difficulty with erm , either Mr informs me which is unlikely or I can , at least get a , make a start , er on the other aspects of the judgement , alright then half past ten on Monday morning
10 I 've written about this before and I expect I 'll write about it again , because I get more frustrated knitters questioning me about this than almost anything else .
11 The serveuses reminded me of those I had seen in paintings by Monet .
12 As always our Treasurer 's final figures remind me of many people , incidents , and stories , and I only wish it was within my power to convey all these now .
13 He was now using his powers to remind me of that as if the matter he was about to broach was more important than any spy .
14 I must ask those who are more familiar with the sciences to forgive me for any passages where they feel I might be guilty of over simplification .
15 In the May issue of Latch On her article on knots reminded me of another tip — when using a length of yarn for a contrast marker ( on tension swatches or to mark the position for the sleeves , for example ) , make a small slip knot in the end of the yarn and place this on the needle .
16 Two reasons strike me for this .
17 Their neat bottoms reminded me of those of failed bullfighters .
18 Apart from that fucking business card they have no forensic evidence ; no weapons , bloodstained clothes or even minutiae like hairs or fibres to link me with any of the attacks .
19 I do n't feel black and I do n't think my friends regard me as such .
20 Looking back on the decision a few years later , he interpreted it in these terms : " What I wanted was some counterweight to my changeable and restless inclinations , a science that could be pursued with cool impartiality , with cold logic , with regular work , without its results touching me at all deeply . "
21 Er , the the the er er the fax in the first instance has been sent by a back bench member of this house who is not a minister , but I may tell the honourable gentleman that I get all sorts of things from mail shots inviting me to all er manner of functions , all of which find their way into the waste paper basket .
22 On my final day at Berkeley , my fourth-form pupils presented me with some flowers and a small mounted copy of Claude Lorrain 's ‘ Hagar and the Angel ’ .
23 I 've had women accuse me of that before now . ’
24 ‘ You and your bloody mates fingered me for those three other burglaries .
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