Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] and the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 While the student is encouraged to keep a record of the activities undertaken and the progress achieved in the investigation , there is no requirement for a written report as a means of communicating the results .
2 The minimum critical union size implied by the membership equation is sensitive to two of the underlying assumptions : attitudes to risk and the specification of union dues .
3 ‘ A fine night for a fight ! ’ the Hearthware leader said , his teeth flashing and the blood shining on his sword .
4 The market has now declined in importance , due to the inability of authorities to borrow and the unpopularity of the assets with investors uncertain about the future of local authority finance .
5 I lose the damn thing and crash blindly against him , but he skips backwards , and as the mist clears I see his eyes blazing and his teeth bared and the gun is comfortable in his hand and pointing at my chest .
6 As the months passed and the court moved — and Anne and Joan with it — from Westminster to Greenwich , from Greenwich to Sheen and then back again to Westminster , and as Joan practised and adopted the ways of the nobility , the close resemblance between herself and Anne became more pronounced .
7 But as the months passed and the winter fogs thickened , Mr Punch discovered a new source of inspiration in the hoop-skirt , transforming it into an ingenious anti-garotte device whereby its flowing dimensions could prevent a street robber from approaching his intended victim .
8 Through the six months of Alberta 's bitter winter each lady tried to outdo the other in the number of coffee parties given and the number of charitable offices each managed to obtain .
9 the skills or subjects taught and the amount of time allocated to each ;
10 I read the Blues Brothers review and the soundtrack gave me an idea : why not have a soundtrack chart in ZZAP ! ?
11 ‘ But the crickets stopped and the bird flew away , quite suddenly .
12 Tauchen and Pitts ( 1983 ) developed a model in which average daily volume and the variance of daily price changes are positive functions of the daily flow of information , the extent to which traders disagree and the number of traders .
13 Because every colour TV channel soaks up another 8 MHz of bandwidth there is a trade-off between the number of channels carried and the distance between equalisers and amplifiers .
14 The case appears on a Diet Roll when both parties appear and the question of further procedure is considered .
15 The tactics succeeded and the erosion of optional business was stopped .
16 In the case where there are no computers installed and the user is coming at the problem with no previous experience there is really only one answer .
17 Easily Accessible : There is plenty to do and see in this beautiful area ; within a 15-mile radius there are ten castles to explore and the Forest of Dean is only 5 miles away .
18 The highest pressures exerted on the rock are connected with breaking waves , but the pressure varies with the distance between the point where the waves break and the cliff .
19 No matter how well intentioned an author may be , no matter how good his work is considered , a lavish photographic book of this kind , and of this price , must stand or fall on the sheer quality of the pictures selected and the way in which they are presented .
20 The ‘ fuzzy ’ nature of much geographically distributed data , the inherent errors in it , the effects of the processing algorithms used and the assumption of known interactions between variables ensures that completely routine use by unskilled users is unlikely to be possible in the foreseeable future ;
21 The methods used and the pollution control systems fitted are sophisticated and provide a safe and sound disposal option , subject to rigorous operational controls and inspection .
22 By the allocation of resources is meant the kinds and quantities of goods produced , the production methods used and the distribution of income to individuals to enable them to consume output .
23 This is a detailed description of the evidence , the methods used and the research findings .
24 Before long the disruptions began and the meeting became a scene of struggle and abuse .
25 The boy 's knees buckled and the air left his lungs in a small sigh .
26 Just for her own satisfaction she pulled the very worst one she could think of — worse than any of Oz 's — with her cheeks blown out , her eyes crossed and the tip of her tongue protruding .
27 Roman 's eyes narrowed and the colour drained from his face , leaving him cold and withdrawn .
28 When he took his seat , the trumpets blew and the dinner was served by a long line of servants who carried in plates of steaming hot boar 's meat , brawn , beef , sturgeon , fish , bowls of cream containing sugared strawberries , and jug after jug of different wines .
29 Anderson ( N.C. , 1983 ) held that the Board of Visitors should have exercised their discretion to allow legal representation in view of the seriousness of the charges and the potential penalty , the need for fairness between the parties involved and the ability of the prisoners to represent themselves .
30 Months passed and the doctor despaired of ever reaching them .
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