Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the herbs listed are found in most countries — often taken by mankind as they migrated all over the world , showing that man considered them as important .
2 The range of topics covered and the nature of the professional development activities undertaken are detailed in 2.2.2 .
3 Some sites have tried to build an entire secure environment for the LIFESPAN Manager , such that all the operations foreseen are provided from within a set of command procedures to which the LIFESPAN Manager is tied .
4 Accordingly , most products developed were based on large , textual databases and it was only slowly that developers began stretching the medium to deliver images and sound in addition to text .
5 More recently a string of no less than thirty cylinder seals made of lapis lazuli has been recovered from a Mycenaean house at Thebes .
6 A BRITON suspected of trying to sell Saddam Hussein enough plutonium for 15 nuclear bombs has been arrested in Germany .
7 On the community charge , the funding for local authorities has been increased by 6.1 per cent .
8 Through schemes , such as the Urban Programme and various training programmes , access to funds for local authorities has been shifted to areas in which they engage in some sort of partnership with the departments of central government .
9 Health ‘ disaster ’ : A plan by the Northern Regional Health Authority to merge Hartlepool and North Tees Health Authorities has been attacked as ‘ a potential disaster ’ by Hartlepool prospective Labour candidate Peter Mandelson .
10 By far the most extensive research into the relationship between society and mass consumption objects has been conducted in the world of commerce itself , and its offshoots in marketing and advertising , which are strongly linked to the discipline of economics .
11 One of the most important finds of late Roman gold and silver coins and objects has been located by a local man , retired gardener Eric Lawes , with a metal detector in a field in Suffolk .
12 Today ( i.e. from the end of the nineteenth century to today ) the competitive market base of nation states has been superseded by the concentration of capitalist markets and the internationalisation of large monopoly and oligopoly capitalists firms .
13 The unreliability of reported mergers has been argued for most strongly by Labov and his colleagues ( Labov , Yaeger and Steiner , 1972 ; Labov , 1975 etc. ) , and for inner-city Belfast it can be argued that meat is not really merged with mate , despite the fact that people believe that it is a merger .
14 The measures , including the abolition of petroleum revenue tax , on new oil and gas projects has been welcomed by British Petroleum which said that the changes should encourage investment in large fields , such as its recent find west of Shetland .
15 Oxygen has been omitted because nearly all the oxygen in a planet resides in non-volatile oxides and silicates and it is extremely difficult to estimate how much of this oxygen has been liberated into more volatile forms and conversely how much oxygen originally in volatile forms has been lost by combination with various oxides and silicates .
16 The peg and string method of devising near biomorphic forms has been used by Naum Gabo and Armin Hofmann .
17 Many possible measures might be used ( Brown and Yule , 1983 ) , but following Garvey 's lead with younger children ( Garvey , 1979 ) , the distribution and pattern of clarification requests has been used as a starting point .
18 The algebraic structure of these transformations has been analysed by Geroch ( 1972 ) .
19 In the past the doubt felt by some about the existence of great sequences of high-level eroded plateau surfaces has been reinforced by problems of explaining the possible basic causes of the vast changes in base level required .
20 Teesside Operations has been praised for entering the ‘ lion 's den ’ in its campaign to improve communications with the local community .
21 In periods of rapid expansion an increase in their own scale of operations has been paralleled by an expansion of output in smaller affiliated companies .
22 The method of tracing cases has been explained in Chapter 3 .
23 AN EXCESS of leukaemia cases has been found among children in rural parts of Scotland linked to the growth of the North Sea oil industry .
24 FOR the first time in decades a litter of two ocelot kittens has been born at London Zoo .
25 A letter alleging offers of preferential inducements has been handed to the EC 's competition commissioner , Karl Van Miert .
26 A dissociation between these two scripts has been observed in Japanese aphasics ( Sasanuma , 1975 ) and in a patient with alexia and agraphia .
27 Whether light as well as heat is generated in these reactions has been questioned by some critics .
28 THE action of alkali metals and their oxides as promoters for many catalytic reactions has been known for nearly a century .
29 The likelihood of such conflicts occurring was increased following market developments and reforms in the structure of the financial markets in the 1980s , in particular the abolition of single capacity in the trading of stocks and shares , and the development of financial conglomerates offering a wide range of services .
30 That oldest of disciplines has been neglected by 20th-century educationalists .
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